Wednesday, March 23, 2011

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admiring the remains of extinct marine inhabitants "Mesosaurios" "Plesiosaurs" pliosaur, and the kings of swimming, "ichthyosaur"


The " Plesiosaurs " had long and flexible neck, over the head of a lizard. Persuade it their bodies in water driven by their large fins. Could vary quickly your neck, back and forth in order to catch fish more easily. And some varieties came to measuring 12 meters long.

The " pliosaur " had a short neck, big head and powerful jaws armed of sharp teeth. Their fins were very strong. Could dive to great depths to catch fish and ammonites or ammonites. Y some specimens exceeding 10 meters in length.

The " ichthyosaurs " were the best swimmers among those sea giants. They finished in the tail fin, likely in order to jump out of the water momentum. His head ended in long jaws filled with sharp teeth that allowed him to catch fish and belemnite belemnites or . This species was originally identified and named in 1840 by biologist and English paleontologist Sir Richard Owen .

In those ancient times there were many classes " ichthyosaurs (also known as" Ictosaurios "or" Ichtyosaurios ). Some of 6 meters, while some even exceeding 12 meters in length. The

"ichthyosaur ", whose name means "fish lizard ", "Sauro-fish " or "reptile fish" - things were very well adapted to marine life. In general external appearance closely resembles dolphins and whales , and could swim showing great agility and speed. Its powerful tail enabled her to jump very high in the air.

His head was large and short neck. And its elongated jaws, equipped with numerous and razor sharp teeth, allow him to feed fish and shellfish .

The " ichthyosaurs " were viviparous, that is not reproduced by eggs but give birth to live young. Indeed, we have found fossils of marine reptiles such with preserved remains of young inside their bodies.

have also been discovered fossils of "ichthyosaur " that have remained in such good condition, which can still be distinguished in the rock, the contour of the respective body. It is propelled by its powerful caudal fin (tail), while on their way to the flaps on the side. Its large dorsal fin, prevented the animal rolled from side to side while swimming. And her large eyes allowed him to see into the depth of water better than other species.

But one of the most feared sea dwellers of ancient times these was the small " Mesosaurio ."

The " Mesosaurios " were primitive reptiles that lived during the Paleozoic . They were relatives of the " plesiosaurs, and in some respects similar to the" ichthyosaurs, but with a different phylogeny.

The " Mesosaurios ", which are among the most ancient marine reptiles known, certainly had fun features.

Their respective bodies were small (between 45 and 60 cm long), elongated, like jaws, which boasted numerous and razor sharp teeth.

Its tail was long and pointed. The toes were webbed, possibly in order to facilitate their travel in the aquatic environment.

is believed that the " Mesosaurios " were carnivores, and inhabitants of lagoons and waterways.

Their fossils appear in rocks Pennsylvanian (Upper Carboniferous of and Permian ) both South Africa and in areas of Brazil and Uruguay , encrypted with a length between 310 and 230 million years. Think

respectfully about all these ancient marine reptiles and strange . And increase our knowledge about them, their possible behaviors, their ways of feeding and reproduction, and so on. Their stories are also part of the rich and diverse history of life in planet.

fossilization process: Death and accumulation of dead, decomposing soft tissue burial diagenesis

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