Saturday, March 26, 2011

Emerson E20 Three Ring

difficulties and constraints to lay the foundations for a new and fairer social structure: The "Barcelona Consensus" light on the way

" Sentinel Democracy ":" Democracy is still an ideal, but visibility in spite of the shortcomings observed today, is the best of all systems of government so far tested. It is necessary that this idealization of freedom and tolerance and equity is appropriately taken up. And such a situation, and this goal will probably be possible when people are taught to think for themselves and find their own ways, so that and in general, individuals are independent and able to solve their problems, without relying on the patronage of those in power, and without even resorting to unwanted social deviants. "


How long should we wait to be convinced that the very foundations of the current social organization are inadequate? And how long international agencies and governments insist with only partial reforms proposed in the recently reformed background, to a certain passivity and ineffectiveness of the bulk of the mass of citizens, much more willing to complain and protest, to make intelligent proposals and renewing , and also feasible and desirable from many points of view (political, social, administrative, etc.)?
Our future can not be discussed between dichotomy between black and white perspectives, including polarized options.

And certainly little to be gained if the expanding horizons with a range of shades of gray, or mixtures or joint groups of opposing views.

Our universe is colorful and diverse, and strategies for better social organization are almost endless.

The flag of Brazil is formed by a green rectangle, which is located a yellow diamond, and within it, a blue circle with some stars and a white band which is written the motto "Order and Progress" ( in English we say "Order and Progress").

course, for achieve social and material progress is not enough to have a well-ordered human society and organized, but surely this can help a lot.

The basic system is good but not in all cases.

social-institutional structure of the base does not help when it impedes or hinders the transformational dynamics. A society stagnant and static vertical and in many ways is negative, even though she has achieved good levels of order and organization.

creativity, aspiration, imagination, generous and exploratory research, freedom of initiatives and proposals, including improvisation and pragmatism with a share of idealism, certainly contribute very much to the progress and the progress and the general culture, but it is also desirable and necessary to good structural order base. Not much can emerge and take hold, if the socio-institutional environment prevailing lawlessness and arbitrariness and chaos.

The great philosopher Uruguayan Carlos Vaz Ferreira developed a very interesting concept, developed the idea of \u200b\u200ba "logic of the vital reason" or "logic alive" or "practical logic" pragmatic ":" The schematizations and language not only separates the knowledge of reality, but many times do they deal with fallacies, problems exist, false oppositions, or simply a problem raised deceit and darkness. "

Another character that will undoubtedly be remembered is the English José Ortega y Gasset, who among many things said that knowledge is and must be rational, but that good knowledge must be rooted in social life, to be eminently practical, and not be excessively burdened with false or empty intellectualism or obscure.

More than ever we need a critical and creative spirituality, instead of trying stubbornly history and now seek to understand both, so as to guide actions in channels more rational and in pursuit of a social structure more fair and equitable , more free, more caring, and a more equal distribution of both resources and opportunities, both in geography and within communities.

civil society today has little real power of proposal, and certainly in this context to regain prominence, for the good of all, and the future of humanity.

The effort towards this goal is a strategic issue, not only to try to make national policies more efficient and more friendly with the people involved, not just trying to establish a joint international trade much more appropriate and balanced, but also to achieve the broadest possible consensus on the new paradigms that our times demand, and reconciles covering a wide range of interests, political, technological, social, institutional and administrative in, and even in religion and what philosophical and ideological.

The mass of data and knowledge and proposals that we are generating today is certainly overwhelming and rewarding, if somewhat unwieldy, in spite of having Internet and digital processing devices.

This could imbue a few optimism into thinking that the great problems of our time are somewhat being resolved. But ... but obviously ... this perception is far from reality.

There is information we know with great accuracy, or we can be reasonably estimated, but on the other hand, there are circumstances that we know exist, but we can not assess and quantify and classify properly. We have created an institutional framework to cover all claims of the socio-productive, but fails in this objective, because of informality, because of illegal and covert activities, and also because the use of social tools that have large shortcomings, and are not commensurate with the technological advances available at the beginning of this century.

Gravity of the present time makes us better position ourselves against the true nature of the pressing issues facing us.

Although specific technological breakthroughs in recent decades, despite funding programs that try to rectify some of the most notorious detours, we were unable positive results commensurate with the grave situation to be corrected. Some battles won

that are naturally distributed and rewarded with great enthusiasm, to some extent hide or conceal our failures. And with such achievements usually very partial, for a while echoing applause, and mistakenly thought that the actions and strategies are properly conducted.

today civil society is often very demanding and demands a lot of things on their governments and their institutions. Is claimed as better education, more security, more efficient response to the illegalities and crimes. It calls for better care such social problems as well as more resources focused on critical social contexts. It also calls for a more flexible and rational justice, and less dependent on accidental circumstances that decisions tend toward one side or another with some degree of arbitrariness. It calls for better treatment of the environment. It also calls for a substantial reduction in the cost of states, arguing that in many government resources are wasted in inefficiencies.

some extent civil society is mobilized in pursuit of certain principles, but on the other hand, it should be recognized that citizens are not involved as is the case in finding or implementing solutions. In this sense, certainly there is public indifference, or some neglect, or true self, or some early discouragement.

such claim is safer and lower levels of violence in relation to sporting events, but when something happens, there are few who offer to testify. In the internal forum there is almost unanimity on what you want, but when it's time to collaborate with justice and law enforcement, often personal problems arise and the reticence: "That should resolve those questions are the ones who regularly attend the same, police, judges, lawyers, psychologists and social ',' That life is very difficult, and you can not be left unattended or personal and family interests, diverting time and energy in long delays in the courts, and in some cases even enduring threats and / or fear retaliation by some misfits. "

is claimed as better education, but little is done from civil society to collaborate with institutions and teachers, often arguing that they are technicians and specialists who are trained to better decision on this issue. Among other things, so we lose sight of how important it is to do a continuous monitoring from the home, children and adolescents who are being trained.

such claims are more careful with the environment, but individually consume products that are harmful to nature, and in many cases do not even care about our waste properly dispose of personal or family, and threw them at any part, and also in many cases we are lazy when asked seed. Almost

everything is expected of the state, institutions, technocrats, experts, and even others. And that they fend for themselves!

A building is built from the ground, and indeed all parts are important, especially those in the bases.

In many cases neither politics nor politicians feel responsible for these issues, and mistakenly think that their involvement goes almost exclusively by budget allocation reasonable and appropriate.

issues relating to security are more political than technical or institutional or budgetary.

And on the other hand the policy issues educational policy are of educational technique or content.

live together in difference and diversity, but few of us are true agents of change.

Unfortunately, discussions within parliament or during international meetings, often guided by narrow self-interest run. Mistakenly take these areas as the battlefield, or as the podium from which you can get more and more accessions within civil society, and / or where you can manage and get more and more advantages of some kind. Finally

not so important to good management or adequately address a detour, because Above all we are interested in strengthening the self-image or to the community sector, and continue in positions of privilege and / or command.

often from the power centers adopting a haughty and arrogant, because those who incidentally are in leadership positions believe they have the right to decide for others, and in many cases in order to defend sectoral interests even at the expense of interest general.

And usually those who suffer most and have the most to lose out are the weakest, the least prepared, the poorest, the youngest, least organized, the more difficulties that make their voices heard.

To some extent the political parties themselves are responsible for this situation. Within their own party structures, often leave few spaces for genuine democratic exercise. And obviously a similar attitude is also taken against their own citizens. Senior political leaders try to manipulate in his favor to both experts and laymen, both militants as mere supporters.

would be great to create adequate conditions for the whole of society present their ideas, their initiatives, their trials. And if there arise innovative proposals in line with the challenges, at least you feel helpless about this situation, and try to overcome it.

For all this is that personally I think that the project " Barcelona Consensus" is a light on the road .

The designated enterprise is creating a good infrastructure for communication and exchange, and for their part, participants in it, are demonstrating in the events that take a very bright and tolerant of new and innovative proposals.

Major problems that arise in this beginning of XXI century are not new, and therefore and in general, be wary of proposing solutions that come from long ago, because for something they have not yet yielded results noticeable. Any deviation or flaw should have. Something must be missing. Something must be wrong. Something must be not working properly.

In particular, beware of the proposals and ideologies that largely defined as "anti", "anti," "anti-capitalist", "anti-neoliberal", "Anti-globalization", "Anti-Left", "Antimilitarism" and so on.

Most likely, the best solutions for tomorrow will come from the hand of the integration and complementation of ideas, and not a little simple and often leading clash of ideas.


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