Thursday, March 24, 2011

Laptop With Separate Screen

Male, Lead and Home Owner, "Goddess" (Part 2 ): The community owes much to both mothers and sisters, because their contributions are the best early

Planetary Principles, for the purposes of Women

The star Sol gives you a lot, Leo woman:

the sense of being special, with your natural size and elegant, which makes a fine display undulating body.

Your personality allows you to have a sublime interior imagination, but sometimes you are whimsical and highly individualistic. You can be painter, a poet, or diplomatic (and often forgotten men).

With refined features oval face, a smiling mouth, arrogant, and a firm voice. Harmony openly show your eyes and eyebrows that overwhelm, and a light makeup to help and to give birth to your face (if you can enaltecerte).

You're a goddess, to which many respect and love, with your hair long and not very clear on something, I always keep finely care.

hero who can love must match all of your qualities. (But you should see a unique and unsurpassed, admire, and be faithful as a good bourgeois O! ...).

The star Moon gives you Cancer women:

A temperament rather difficult and misunderstood, and sometimes you are lost completely. There is a latent insecurity in yourself, and the Moon keeps you out of place, giving the impression of being in front of your peers armor.

Your figure is somewhat full, round face and full lips. You hair quite short, your voice so beautiful, and there are very good singers in all media. Women

very mystical (the surface is much ...) and encourage your conversation sweet stories. You can be a good woman, or very dangerous. You feel predisposed to melancholy, weak to act, but if you fight in life, you can do with great energy.

With a transformer make something bold glad your face, feel better. You can be anything malicious, and why! ...

You'll feel better if at some point in your life you get some soul.

The planet Mercury, Gemini woman gives you:

intelligence, skill in business and science, and you can also become a great speaker. (You are more women in one!). Your vivacity

surprisingly rapid, variable, talkative, and extremely voluptuous lips. Your beautiful shapes, broad shoulders, slender and round, with a sculpted body, they attract the eyes of both sexes.

Commenting on your big eyes, I tell women, that never go unnoticed, because they communicate, they can penetrate the minds to the point of knowing what people think around you.

"Gemini Twins" are variable to your person, and doubly so psychologist, perhaps this echo does not conform to the world around you.

Your makeup must be roasted with a little tone, something full brows, eyelids something dark and streamlined. (With long hair, um, then tell me! ").

The planet Mercury, Virgo woman gives you:

a marked resemblance to the woman of Gemini and both have the same ruler, sharing in common some similar qualities. Your sign in question is represented by the Virgin Mary, which shows a gold pin in one hand as a sign of crop land and sea. Virginiana

woman, complicated and mysterious, the years go by, and more mysterious you are.

relationship with your family tends to be selfless and sacrifice: "It's like it is." Your financial position is comfortable, but not waste what you have, the better care. You veils, your feet fly and just skim the ground. Your broad shoulders, your waist with your hips rather narrow, forming a very slender silhouette, with a fine nose and beautiful eyes something elongated and bright eyes, bushy eyebrows with deep bright eyes, no doubt draw attention. Your

professions are artistic, good writers, and business reward you. Your

simple makeup enhances your mystical side, not lustful, nor naive, soft and fine.

The planet Venus, Taurus woman gives you:

a penchant for fine arts, and you can stand out as an interpreter of it. Also enjoy the pleasures of life are presented, and possession of everything that you like to have.

The native of Taurus is practical, tenacious person, continuing to get what they want, a true femme fatale with the swaying of hips if the situation requires.

danger ... Your face is oval and quite perfect, broad nose and long, conventional view, give the impression of a flamethrower ready to face whatever. Dark or light your hair is always abundant and slightly wavy, you are the lady seductive and fatal police movie themes. You

makeup, is an additional contribution to your principles, clear base and clear dust, and if you're blonde, put in nourishing creams face at night. But being a brunette, compliments your skin, it does not need cream.

Dance and Poetry is what you like most. You can be an architect, decorator, jewelry, etc..

The planet Venus, Libra woman gives you:

a marked resemblance to the woman of Taurus, both have the same ruler, sharing several qualities in common.

Venus as a symbol is represented by a scale and gives you, beauty queen, the magic power of balance, or search for it, trying to be perfect even though it may be your life.

If besides being free, you have the "bottom" (the at birth) also in Libra, "you can be the most beautiful of the beautiful." However you would miss the internal balance, and this state is always looking to be complete. You
Libra woman, stands out for aesthetic environmental placement of all its components, together with necessary and useful, such as the ornaments that decorate it.

Tailor Your professions tend to be high fashion, Hair, Makeup, and aesthetics skin or bunch of perfume or antiques. But your main job is finding a balance. For best act in life!

The Planet Mars, Aries woman gives you: Ariana

always represent the momentum of the war, Amazon and explorer of life, your motto: Ambition and Triumph.

start your life together with the "Autumn Equinox to the Southern Hemisphere," and spearhead, you know very determined to impart movement to the characteristic of the strength and speed. Your

professions are having a lot of initiative and independence, if you are the owner of any company that allows you to navigate, and give you freedom to have your own performance.

As goddess of war are in action, head of advanced eternal first to arrive.

dark eyes and steady gaze, nose slightly curved, mouth corners somewhat arched or straight, and thin lips, chin raised, cutting hair aggressive and authoritarian.

Your makeup should focus on general degree, clear base with clear dust, and dark to soften some salient details of the face. All Ariana does not equal, some factions have sweet soft and full of charm, like fairy meadow or garden.

Planet Jupiter gives you a lot of woman of Sagittarius:

Sagittarian It offers women the possibility of luck, the drive to expand the consciousness to learn to "see."

Sagittarius is represented by a centaur shooting an arrow upward, double sign. It is the struggle between animal instinct and human desire for betterment, for the world we inhabit. You know how to handle the two characters together for the family.

Your life plays in society inhabit as a perfect housewife and a woman of the world, which is generally understood and appreciated. You have many professions, such as Artist, Merchant, Manager of Industry and so forth. Morning and nocturnal wear makeup, great lady seductive from morning to night. His face

harmonious oval, perfect, well delineated, and natural, as well as possessive eyes, something dark and well drawn to highlight, along with your pretty lips formed with brown pencil, eyelash dentures at night, a full set to correct your face, and a little color in her cheeks. Ya!

The Planet Saturn, Capricorn woman gives you:

The great feature of the planet Saturn for women, is to provide clarity, along with the logic and the ability to make concrete things, and to have constructive ideas or plans.

Being a person of great ability, those endowed with a singular tenacity and resignation to the reverses of fate. Are truly intellectual, fluent in several languages. You have the ability to study Egyptology, archeology, paleontology, and history studies. Over the years you will approach to land planting and harvesting.

have a body and a unique walk, something different to the rest of your peers. Capricorn Women

, dress more cheerful, your beauty is authentic, you should be optimistic and fun. You make should be studied. You draw well

your face, enlarge your eyes with a sophisticated set, not too dark on the eyelids, and lips slightly pink, with the corners up, and also a couple of pinches your cheeks.

The body must be either straight, chest high, and then the world is yours.

The planet Uranus, woman gives you a lot of Aquarius: You

premonition, the world to come, which will unfold and accompanied, giving values \u200b\u200bof fraternity and equality of all beings.

Over time you are assigned the power of "clairvoyance" psychic, independence and openness to the selfless help to your world. Romantic idealist par excellence, love of Aquarius, the friend, the lover. See in the couple who love, the friend above all.

have superior intelligence and expression, male or female, but always forward to the rest of the other congeners.

have great aptitude for Science and for Religion, Astronomy, Astrology, History, Sport, pure mysticism.

smooth oval face and of course your makeup should be simple and fresh, outlined some light color on your cheeks, full lips and / or marked, right nose, fine hair to be very careful. You are the eyes detail, are unforgettable. "From melancholy look that does not forget", and sometimes slightly sad.

The planet Neptune, Pisces woman gives you:

The need to experience the emotional unity of mysticism and transcendence of the last sign of the Zodiac. Independence shares the sign of Aquarius, Aries Security, the mystical depth of the regent. These circumstances Pisces make a sign of confusion, and for that you must know the inner world, which is what really matters.

preferred professions: Nurses, Novelists, Teachers of Swimming, Medium, Sculptors, Occultists.

Makeup: Long hair, an oval face, and being blonde, with a slight markup to correct a detail of the face. Moreover, few eyebrows for shaping, blueness of the eyelids after-shaped mark. Brunette personhood, the same style of eyeliner, but Japanese style in a dark shade the eyelids, with a straight up, and the rest equally. If the skin is dry, cream to nourish it properly at night.

Planet Pluto, Scorpio woman gives you:

Knowledge about the planet in question, applied to sign it. (Formerly called the "Eagle" and once the "Snake"). This sign is one that has the highest number of human levels of "beings" in it.

native Bella, you are given the opportunity to move from the lowest to the highest, to the most sublime that can be reached.

"Phoenix Woman." You can be the sanctification, canonization, or if you prefer, just as many women high on planet Earth. You may also be the evil woman in the story. You can be the Princess to the kiss of a prince in love with you wake up the world of love and wisdom (with his 7 chakras).

Scorpio Lady: The psychology and human problems are in your personal world. Always presented the discontented, and dealing with people do not always find sympathy, and are the most common questions. In this case I must say, you think to find enemies everywhere, and this is not real and not think about it.

you like the land, plants, justice, and always try to defend the weak. Within these parameters have many professions to follow, and your ability is good.

Makeup: Elementary and good for your skin nourishing cream at night, and also a good outline to improve lines of your face. You should try to improve your teeth, your teeth look beautiful and rights. "Keep a friendly smile and be happy."

Never forget who you are and how much vouchers, and do not let that fool you. Know


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