Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How To Make Myself Look 18

The exotic fauna of the ancient seas: A unique and fascinating world, a niche extinct little by little he is able to discover


The " Cryptocleidus ", or "serrated tooth hidden" or "hidden clavicle", name given in 1897 by Harry Govier Seeley (pictured right) - was an animal that lived in the Jurassic and Cretaceous . His first fossils were found in England and Germany .

Among aquatic reptiles of those remote times, one of the best known is undoubtedly the " Cryptocleidus " or " Cryptoclidus " (meaning "hidden collarbone), a" plesiosaur " more than three meters long, located initially in England, and had a powerful neck of 74 vertebrae provided instead of the usual 7 or 8 usually presented reptiles.

The skull and lower jaw this animal were wide, which reveals the living presence of powerful muscles in that region.

The front and rear "Cryptocleidus " were made by long fins. And probably walked along the water front moving up and down, as if "flying", as he led the swim to the rear.

For his part, " Nothosaurio " or "reptile spurious" or "fake lizard " name given by Georg Graf zu Münster ( Count Georg von Münster ) was located both in Germany as South Africa.

seas in Triassic times , were populated by reptiles that feed on fish , as in the case of " ichthyosaurs, as well as with regard to" Mixosaurios " and " Ophtalmosaurios ."

And a very successful and diverse group was undoubtedly that of " Nothosaurios " beings ranging from the size of a lizard up to four meters long. And some of these samples even reached six meters in length.

Many of the fossils in question, have appeared in the sediments of the seas in those distant epochs covered Central Europe.

These remains located and analyzed, can ensure that the " Nothosaurios " had a long neck, long and narrow skull and sharp teeth capable of holding fish as well as narrow and wide feet tail and fins.

The " Nothosaurios " or " Nothosaurus " used their arms and legs to swim, but they should have done to "Doggy style." Later, in the late Triassic period, the " plesiosaurs, which were much better adapted to marine life, most likely must have evolved from the so-called" Nothosaurios ", but such a hypothesis suggested by several scientists, so far has not been fully confirmed.

The " Geosaurus " or "reptile rock ", name given in 1824 (in the publication "Sur les fossiles ossements of crocodiles") by the Baron Georges Cuvier (see image to the left of the French naturalist Her full name was Georges Léopold Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert Cuvier ), was an animal that lived during the Cretaceous in the current territories of France and Germany . The

modern crocodiles can live both on land and in water. But some fossil forms were heavily modified, so as to enable him to live in the water all the time.

And " Geosaurus " is a typical example. His arms and legs were wide and shaped like oars. Its tail is curved down, near the end, and had a fleshy flap on the live animal.

This flap was similar to that of "ichthyosaur , another interesting aquatic reptile but which" Geosaurus "had no relationship.

The neck of the " Geosaurus " was short, and relatively large head, in a way similar to other swimmers and carnivorous reptiles (such as " pliosaur). Their sharp teeth indicate that it fed on fish. But he stressed that it had no protective cover plates on the back, like modern crocodiles. And this feature should certainly have done much more streamlined.

The best and most important fossils "Geosaurus" come from sedimentary rocks that formed the bottom of the inland seas, which then covered much of Central Europe.

For his part, "Plesiosaur" or "reptile tape", the name given in 1821 by William Daniel Conybeare (pictured right), was an animal that reached its zenith in the Jurassic period. Abundant fossilized remains of this species were located in England and Germany.

The earliest fossils of reptiles that scientists studied, precisely belonged to the "Plesiosaur", before he found the first fossil "dinosaur."

The "Plesiosaur" or "Plesiosaurus" was found in successive stages and excavations, between 1811 and 1820. And the best specimens were located on the coast of Dorset, by Mary Anning . Caused a sensation at the time when European scientists were able to admire the London and Bristol.

Some of these remains were sold by Mary Anning own (picture left), who won large sums of money, by the Museum where they are now exhibited.

This aquatic animal that originated in the Triassic period, was dominant in the Jurassic reptile. Its members were fins, which undulated, moving quickly, while providing their food in schools of fish. He had a long neck, small head, and reached five meters in length.

The " Arquelón " oo " ARCHELON " or " old turtle," the name given in 1898 by George Reber Wieland (or Wieland GR), was an animal abundant in Kansas during the Cretaceous Period . The turtle fossil found, much like modern turtles. And the way the body depends on the shell, covering the back and belly. The "Arquelón" is known from multiple discoveries of fossils, mostly found in the limestone rocks that formed the bottom of shallow seas, which then covered much of North America from Alberta to Texas.

The " Arquelón " belongs to an extinct group, which shows the shell reduced to shreds of bone and star-shaped plates.

The shell, in all turtles, is made of bone, and attaches to the ribs and other parts of the skeleton. Bone loss in the giant "Arquelón" may be due to a peso economy. It was a huge turtle, more than four feet, much larger than the largest current turtle. Had to swim fast to catch fish in sufficient quantities to meet your diet.

Their long fins, paddle-shaped, probably propelled the animal forward, swinging his body in a figure eight, as turtles do today.

Regarding the "Elasmosaurio" or "reptile lamina", name given in 1878 by Edward Drinker Cope or ED Cope (see photo at left) can say it was an animal that lived in the seas that covered Wyoming ( America) during the Cretaceous Period .

The " Cryptocleidus " also known as " Cryptoclidus " and the " Plesiosaurus , they had long necks, but the" Elasmosaurus "and impose their relatives doubtless true brands as the neck over the head of these animals were longer than the body and tail together.

Note that these copies were in the neck vertebrae about 75, instead of the usual 7 or 8 of some terrestrial animals, for surely it is clear that some way should sustain that very long neck.

is assumed that the " Elasmosaurio " waved his neck in water, from one place to another in search of fish .

must have been a much more economical to catch their prey, rather than having to move around the body in the pursuit, which would have meant a much slower operation.

Its four fins, highly developed, fueled by body movements as if " fly "under water, undulating like a snake's neck, looking for fish.

soon continue with other interesting articles on paleontology and dinosauriología .

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