Wednesday, March 23, 2011

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The curious aquatic life in Jurassic and Cretaceous times, gigantism and diversity astounding, signs of violent and poignant struggles


The seas and oceans , in times of Jurassic and Cretaceous , were populated by giant reptiles, size enormous, as the " ichthyosaur" and " Sauropterigios ."

While the former had piscine appearance, ie, look like the fish and dolphins, the latter, by contrast, retained a similar appearance to that of terrestrial reptiles of those who came. These

beings, there were truly gigantic specimens, up to 20 meters. And one of the largest and most powerful was the " Cronosaurio " which had a huge skull completed in powerful jaws of nearly three meters long (see below pictures of the fossils exhibited in Monquirá , Villa de Leyva , Boyacá Department, Colombia in ).

his name, " Cronosaurio " derives from Cronos , mythological god considered a leader of the legendary Titans golden age, and according to the story of the ancient Greeks, overthrew his father Uranus as primordial god of the sky, and then in turn was overthrown by his own sons, Zeus , Hades, and Poseidon .

The " Cronosaurio " was a marine reptile in adulthood grew to be over thirteen feet long, rising to the surface to breathe, and had the skull larger than any other known animal.

His diet included large fish, many marine organisms, and even " plesiosaurs.

A peculiarity of the " Cronosaurios " his teeth were conical, of enormous size, as measured twice teeth "Tyrannosaurus ."

was undoubtedly a real monster, akin to the " Elasmosaurios , although belonging to another species.

Fossilized remains of "Cronosaurio" or " kronosaurus " were found in sedimentary rocks Queensland in Australia (see pictures below). Its huge skull and powerful jaws of more than 2 feet nine inches long, were armed with formidable teeth, without effort allowed him to capture large-sized dams, fish, molluscs , and even other specimens of aquatic reptiles .

should also refer to another close relative of "kronosaurus", the " Trinacromerum " other " Plesiosauroide " which was three meters and also had similar teeth.

Among the " plesiosaurs " or "reptiles swans, we can also highlight the" Elasmosaurio "which grew to be 14 to 16 meters long. Fossils of this species were located in the sedimentary rocks of shallow seas in ancient times covered much of central North America .

The "Elasmosaurio" had a small head, finishing off a long, flexible neck supported by up to 76 vertebrae. Its four large fins, all equal in size, fueled by the animal's body water, while the tail, short and straight undoubtedly served to maintain direction.

In contrast, in the " ichthyosaurs, the tail was the main body swimming. These aquatic reptiles would feed on fish, squid, belemnites also known as belemnites and various other marine organisms.

The " Plesiosaurs " were much more modest in size, barely exceeding five meters. The " Plesiosaur" smallest found so far, midi only 1 meter 80 centimeters in length. These beings reached their peak during the Jurassic Period , and some specimens had a head that reached up to a meter and fifty centímetros, con mandíbulas provistas de dientes cónicos de hasta 20 centímetros de largo.

Estos animales nadaban en forma parecida a los pingüinos , sólo que utilizando cuatro aletas en lugar de dos.

Cabe señalar que los " Ictiosaurios " fueron soberbios nadadores , y sin duda fueron ellos los reptiles mejor adaptados para la vida marítima. Se parecían mucho a los peces, no sólo por su hidrodinámica silueta, sino también por su estructura interna.
embedded in the structure, its vertebrae were articulated in such a way that allowed the body to curl around in the water.

Its tail fin was large and vertical, like that of modern sharks , and his enormous head ended up in very long jaws, armed with numerous sharp teeth.

In subsequent articles will address other interesting questions relating to the major terrestrial and marine reptiles.

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