Wednesday, March 23, 2011

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Mysteries and great dangers in the deep ocean during the Mesozoic: What are revealing and fossils paleogeology

the great sea monsters

During the Triassic period , Jurassic and Cretaceous , huge, warm seas, occupied much of the current plains of Central Europe and North America.

And these seas then housed a variety of marine lizards, such as "ichthyosaur " (Fish, reptile), the " Plesiosaurs " (from Greek and means plesio--nearest-neighbor-) and the " Lepidosauria " (Greek Lepidus - scale -, see images below .)

The " Plesiosaurs " were the largest among aquatic lizards, as they reached 15 meters long, with such the " Elasmosaurio ." Other giants in those distant times were also certainly the " Cronosaurio " (or " kronosaurus "), the " Attenborosaurio ", the " Megalneusaurio " and the " Thalassiodracon " the " Leptocleidus ", and" Cryptocleidus . "

By adapting to the marine environment, its members gradually transformed into "paddles" that propelled the body of these reptiles in the water. And their main diet was fish, even the most fierce and fast.

These beings were skilled hunters and fierce. Nor scorned fight their fellows.

For their part, "ichthyosaur " ferocísimos were monsters, which in its evolution assumed the appearance of fish. His limbs had taken the form of fins and its tail was long and forked.

were screaming fast in the water, and able to give very high jumping in the air.

The ancient " Lepidosauria " or " Saurofidios " were also among the most rapacious reptiles. Their bodies are covered with scales, and in some respects resembled monstrous eels. His dreadful jaws were expandable, such as snakes, allowing them to swallow prey even larger than their mouths.

All were appointed without a doubt dangerous and frightening, but some were real sea monsters, like "Mosasaur ", As some specimens exceeding twelve meters long and exceptionally seventeen feet, but most often than not could place eight to ten meters.


While "Dinosaurs " became the undisputed masters of the land, other reptiles did the same thing in aquatic environments.

Thus, some creatures, such as dams of an unexpected and irresistible nostalgia for their native environment, returning to the sea, again adapted to the marine environment.

These "sea robbers" or "sea robbers" or "nostalgic for the sea", there were also giant species as " Elasmosaurio " up to 15 meters in length. He had Agilis

despite its size, as the " ichthyosaurs, which could make great leaps out of water.

And also there were large and slow as the " Arquelón " (or " Archelon "), giant turtle whose fossil have reached us, and weighing in life must be several tons.

certainly also deserve special mention the " Sauropterigios ", which originated 245 million years ago, and whose first species were small in size and similar to lizards.


At the same time when "Dinosaurs " prevailed over the continents and land area, dominated other powerful creatures in the aquatic environment.

As mentioned, these Titans were " ichthyosaurs (reptiles, fish ) and" plesiosaurs ( reptiles swans), who mistakenly classifies many times as "Dinosaurs".

But in truth these species were giant marine reptiles, which, after living a few million years on land finally returned to sea following a complex and unexpected storyline.

The most powerful among the " ichthyosaurs " was the " Shonisaurio . He had steely jaws with teeth, which allowed it in turns habilis, catch fish , belemnites and other marine organisms.

Resembling a large dolphin, these things sometimes exceeded fifteen meters long, and gave birth to live young.

In contrast, " Plesiosaurs " had long sinuous neck, very flexible, ending in a terrible lizard head and mouth as well toothed grin of simulating a curious smile corners on the long side.

They also had a steely teeth and fed on fish, but its head, usually small, prevented him from swallowing large prey.

The " Tilosaurio " tooth and body armor, was the scourge of flying reptiles, which could catch in full flight.

The " Tilosaurio " or " Tylosaurio " was a sea creature truly frightening. Fossils indicate that reached fifty feet long, but recent new evidence suggests that it could pass the 17 meters.

Like its rival, the " Elasmosaurio " of 14 meters long and with a neck of 8 feet, these creatures lived in the inland seas of today is North America during the Cretaceous .

the reader should hold the summary data provided here, and to analyze and it internalizes the images presented, because this basic information will allow him to better understanding the evolution of life in the Mesozoic , or in the " Age of Reptiles" and "Age of Dinosaurs ".

mass extinctions - Jurassic World - The prehistoric armageddon

Part 1 / 7

Part 2 / 7

Part 3 / 7

Part 4 / 7

Part 5 / 7

Part 6 / 7

Part 7 / 7


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