Thursday, March 24, 2011

Brow Hair With Blonde Highlights

The "distance learning" has a future, "online education" is already tangible reality: Attention is the great educational reform

DISTANCE EDUCATION WITH THE SUPPORT OF ICT: Definition of e-Learning, eLearning (enseñaje), and also some guidelines for research

With this brief note I want to offer a definition (in Castilian and English) of the now universally known as "e-Learning", or "learning" or "enseñaje" based on our experience in the work of the Ibero-American Virtual Foundation ( ) and the Ibero-American Virtual College ( ), and suggest a list of possible topics for research in this area.

Through the first we have made in e-Learning consulting a dozen universities, ministries and educational institutions in Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru and Venezuela, offering everything from teacher training to teachers online to preparation Postgraduate full online. The second experience led us to prepare a high school in 2004, complete (six years) with over one hundred online courses designed multimedia and online training of approximately sixty teachers, currently in force.

Throughout these experiences, our motto has always been: "Without distances, distance education, all this possible through the support of new technologies .

And our guideline, as a guiding principle in the preparation of the subjects and their various activities, has been: "Only complete and will evolve as social beings, constantly changing through learning in community" in order to share and generate knowledge .


First, we do have a few questions:

• Where do we place our definition? • Under what
learning theory?
• What resources are available for enseñaje? Generally

learning theories divide into three main areas or basic: (A) conductive or behavioral (behavior), (B) Cognitive (knowledge), and (C) Constructivist. Each of these has its purpose in the Education and Training, depending on the content and function, for example, the first is used for learning needs with relatively simple processes.

key to select is to analyze in detail the profile of the participants, their motivations and objectives, skills, achievements and results expected necessary skills to acquire and content to communicate, and support offered through various services. Knowing these details we will be able to design a coherent educational structure.

Our definition is based on a critical socio-constructivist model, supported by the teachings of Gagné and Schank, based on a dynamic learning, focusing on the dysentery, facing the desired shared learning and collaborative way.

Based on the above offer then our definition in Castilian and English:

"virtual distance education or online learning (e-Learning) is a process of teaching and collaborative learning among students and teachers based on collective and individual works primarily with stimulating activities and participatory asynchronous, mediated by new technologies of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to support interactive resources (WEB2), synchronous and asynchronous, with multimedia content assets, to create inclusive learning community socio-critical (network) that generates commitment and constructive knowledge (Education Network) in diversity. "

"ICT Supported virtual distance education or online learning (e-Learning) is a teaching-learning process Collaborative Among students and teachers, based on group and individual assignments, Essentially-through asynchronous Motivating and Participatory Activities, technologically ICT (Information and Communication Tehcnologies) mediated with the support of synchronous and asynchronous interactive resources (WEB2) with select media contents, in order to create an inclusive socio-critical learning community (social network), and compromise Generating Knowledge, constructively (educational network) in diversity "(Inglés version).

Building on this definition, all instructional design, created for and about students, never forget at least the following:

1. solve real problems or work with analogies, useful to the participant;
2. Resorting to the student's experiential field;
3. Working with examples, case studies and demonstrations applicable;
4. Generate new knowledge by applying it to the reality of the student;
5. Integrate all learning experiences to the world of the learner.


Below is a list of possible topics, among others, for research on the subject of online teaching, clarifying that it is not an exhaustive list:

1. Effects of ICT in literacy skills.
2. Differences between "online" and other modalities.
3. Needs of online students.
4. Measurements.
5. Effective parameters of course design.
6. Systematic Instructional Design.
7. Educational models.
8. Student services (admissions, technology support, registration and control, etc.).
9. Group work for the production of multimedia materials online.
10. Assessment (materials, students, teachers) qualitative and quantitative.
11. Copyright.
12. Events online (virtual).
13. ICT tools for educational use.
14. Education: Practice, Skills and Strategies (forums, blogs, wiki, simulations, problem solving, etc.).
15. Interactivity, interactions, cooperation, group work, etc..
16. Added values.
17. Synchronicity versus asynchronicity.
18. Resources: materials, video, laboratory, www, and other resources.
19. Open source, free software, and so on.
20. Content Management and objects.
21. Pedagogical models.
22. Access, equity and the digital divide.
23. Transitions to the new paradigm: students and teachers.
24. Traditional and cutting-edge technologies (Low and High Tech).
25. Tools "offline" and "online".
26. Andragogy.
27. Communities and networks of knowledge and learning.
28. Digital facilitation.
29. Structures of knowledge: content, cognitive, emotional, etc., and their relationships.
30. New identities on the Internet.
31. Define national and regional strategies.
32. Legal framework: security, redundancy, authentication, rights and duties.
33. Energy efficiency and clean production.
34. E-Health.
35. Development of more effective methodologies for e-Learning.
36. Innovation in management systems using online courses.
37. E-government.
38. Social networks.
39. Access and navigate.
40. Standards.
41. Simulations.
42. Profit and return on investment.
43. WEB2 - interactive tools.
44. Learning "blended."
45. Using Multimedia.
46. E-facilitation.
47. Design of teaching models and andragogical.
48. Evaluation.
49. Psychology of e-Learner.
50. Reusable learning objects.


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