Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Galleria Prom Dress

external volcanic Manifestation: Composition of the lava and gases, and violence of the eruptions


Continuing with our presentation and our comments about volcanoes and related phenomena , we refer here to the materials issued by such eruptions .

gaseous materials, advertising and company while they last, all volcanic eruptions.

are gases from magma , and its expansive force is what drives this matter abroad, gives mobility to lava, and even is able to carry pieces of solid materials.

The water vapor is the main gas emitted, constituting 60% to 90% of the total. Obviously this causes clouds and heavy rains in the vicinity of the rash, often accompanied by strong thunderstorms .

But along with the water vapor there are also other gases such as carbon dioxide , the nitrogen , the sulfurous gases, and especially methane and hydrogen . Just these last two gases , which are very flammable form glows bright flares that accompany volcanic explosions .

The substances
molten lava is the typical material. Outer reaches very high temperatures , melted, to solidify then more or less slowly, according to its composition, temperature, and by the amount of gas it contains.

There are different types of lavas, depending on their content.

The acid lavas , very silica, are lightweight, and lose the gases with explosive violence. You can solidify fairly rapidly, forming thick, rough-looking language. The

basic lavas with low silica they are heavy. The gas flow from them without difficulty. Slowly solidify, thus forming mats covering large areas. The basalt is the most common type.

Solid materials are dragged outside by the gas. Can they be pieces of solidified lava from previous eruptions, chunks of rock on which sits the volcano, or even fragments of solidified magma as the eruption is projected into the atmosphere .

Among these, the geologists distinguish volcanic bombs, which are round or spindle-shaped (fusiform). Ranging in size from a fist and several cubic meters. To solidify, may occur in the surface cracks -like crust.

Then there are the lapilos or lapilli, small pieces that are solid but heavy. Precisely in this they differ from the pieces of pumice , which are similar in size but are always lightweight.

Finally, there are sand and ashes, which are tiny pieces produced by spraying the lava, and able to reach great heights and distances.

For example, sand and ash produced by the Krakatoa volcano in Indonesia , in the great eruption of the late nineteenth century , surpassed the 20,000 meters. For its part, eruptions of volcanoes Chilean , produced ash that reached even plenty Uruguay, for example in 1932 from the volcano Quizapu , a fact that is still remembered by those lived at that time.

In the early 50's the past twentieth century, some long memories will remember the arrival of a new wave of ash our beloved Oriental Republic of Uruguay, and now, if they really met the predictions of some scholars (this will depend on wind direction and other atmospheric factors, and trans-Andean volcanic activity), possibly may soon repeated a third wave of ash from volcanoes of the mountain.

ashes mixed with water and hardened, are the famous " tuff", which should be the preservation of buildings and objects of cities Pompeii , Herculaneum and Stabia (or Stabiae ), which were buried in the great Vesuvian eruption of 79 AD.

The above were very famous seaside resorts, located at the foot of Vesuvius , which in that year were covered by a thick layer of ash, a product of the terrible eruption of volcano described with great accuracy by the tribune of the plebs and Consul Pliny the Younger .

For nearly two thousand years buried cities just quoted were forgotten, until in the course of the eighteenth century during of government in Bourbon Kingdom of Naples be able to locate an entry, which was the first clue to the subsequent identification and exploration of them.

currently expensive and after excavation has been dug up, and you can stroll through its streets paved with stone slabs, admire its magnificent buildings, and villas with sumptuous palaces by walls decorated with frescoes.

All of these priceless works of life in the imperial era , has been retained as an exception, because the protection afforded by the materials stored there, the result of that devastating eruption of Vesuvius , a phenomenon that certainly reminds us how dangerous they can be certain forms of volcanic activity.

Charter Pliny the Younger (also known as Segundo Cayo Plinio Cecilio) Cornelius Tacitus writes in relation to the death of uncle del primero, extraída del "Epistolario" del citado


Petis ut tibi auunculi mei exitum scribam, quo uerius tradere posteris possis. Gratias ago; nam uideo morti eius si.celebretur a te immortalem gloriam esse propositam.

Quamuis enim pulcherrimarum clade terrarum, ut populi ut urbes memorabili casu, quasi semper uicturus occiderit, quamuis ipse plurima opera et mansura condiderit, multum tamen perpetuitati eius scriptorum tuorum aeternitas addet.

Equidem beatos puto, quibus deorum munere datum est aut facere scribenda aut scribere legenda, beatissimos uero quibus utrumque. Horum in numero auunculus meus et suis libris et tuis erit. Quo libentius suscipio, deposco etiam quod iniungis.

Erat Miseni classemque imperio praesens regebat. Nonum kal. Septembres hora fere septima mater mea indicat ei adparere nubem inusitata et magnitudine et specie.

Vsus ille sole, mox frigida, gustauerat iacens studebatque; poscit soleas, ascendit locum ex quo maxime miraculum illud conspici poterat. Nubes incertum procul intuentibus ex quo monte (Vesuuium fuisse postea cognitum est) oriebatur, cuius similitudinem et formam non alia magis arbor quam pinus expresserit.

Nam longissimo uelut trunco elata in altum quibusdam ramis diffundebatur, credo quia recenti spiritu euecta, dein senescente eo destituta aut etiam pondere suo uicta in latitudinem uanescebat, candida interdum, interdum sordida et maculosa prout terram cineremue sustulerat.

Magnum propiusque noscendum ut eruditissimo uiro uisum. Iubet liburnicam aptari; mihi si uenire una uellem facit copiam; respondi studere me malle, et forte ipse quod scriberem dederat.

Egrediebatur domo; accipit codicillos Rectinae Tasci imminenti periculo exterritae (nam uilla eius subiacebat, nec ulla nisi nauibus fuga): ut se tanto discrimini eriperet orabat.

Vertit ille consilium et quod studioso animo incohauerat obit maximo. Deducit quadriremes, ascendit ipse non Rectinae modo sed multis (erat enim frequens amoenitas orae) laturus auxilium.

Properat illuc unde alii fugiunt, rectumque cursum recta gubernacula in periculum tenet adeo solutus metu, ut omnes illius mali motus omnes figuras ut deprenderat oculis dictaret enotaretque.

Iam nauibus cinis incidebat, quo propius accederent, calidior et densior; iam pumices etiam nigrique et ambusti et fracti igne lapides; iam uadum subitum ruinaque montis litora obstantia. Cunctatus paulum an retro flecteret, mox gubernatori ut ita faceret monenti 'Fortes' inquit 'fortuna iuuat: Pomponianum pete.'

Stabiis erat diremptus sinu medio (nam sensim circumactis curuatisque litoribus mare infunditur); ibi quamquam nondum periculo adpropinquante, conspicuo tamen et cum cresceret proximo, sarcinas contulerat in naues, certus fugae si contrarius uentus resedisset. Quo tunc auunculus meus secundissimo inuectus, complectitur trepidantem consolatur hortatur, utque timorem eius sua securitate leniret, deferri in balineum iubet; lotus accubat, cenat, aut hilaris aut (quod aeque magnum) similis hilari.

Interim e Vesuuio monte pluribus locis latissimae flammae altaque incendia relucebant, quorum fulgor et claritas tenebris noctis excitabatur. Ille agrestium trepidatione ignes relictos desertasque uillas per solitudinem ardere in remedium formidinis dictitabat. Tum se quieti dedit et quieuit uerissimo quidem somno; nam meatus animae, qui illi propter amplitudinem corporis grauior et sonantior erat, ab iis qui limini obuersabantur audiebatur.

Sed area ex qua diaeta adibatur ita iam cinere mixtisque pumicibus oppleta surrexerat, ut si longior in cubiculo mora, exitus negaretur. Excitatus procedit, seque Pomponiano ceterisque qui peruigilauerant reddit.

In commune consultant, intra tecta subsistant an in aperto uagentur. Nam crebris uastisque tremoribus tecta nutabant, et quasi emota sedibus suis nunc huc nunc illuc abire aut referri uidebantur.

Sub dio rursus quamquam leuium exesorumque pumicum casus metuebatur, quod tamen periculorum collatio elegit; et apud illum quidem ratio rationem, apud alios timorem timor uicit. Ceruicalia capitibus imposita linteis constringunt; id munimentum aduersus incidentia fuit.

Iam dies alibi, illic nox omnibus noctibus nigrior densiorque; quam tamen faces multae uariaque lumina soluebant. Placuit egredi in litus, et ex proximo adspicere, ecquid iam mare admitteret; quod adhuc uastum et aduersum permanebat.

Ibi super abiectum linteum recubans semel atque iterum frigidam aquam poposcit hausitque. Deinde flammae flammarumque praenuntius odor sulpuris alios in fugam uertunt, excitant illum.

Innitens seruolis duobus adsurrexit et statim concidit, ut ego colligo, crassiore caligine spiritu obstructo, clausoque stomacho qui illi natura inualidus et angustus et frequenter aestuans erat.

Vbi dies redditus (is ab eo quem nouissime uiderat tertius), corpus inuentum integrum inlaesum opertumque ut fuerat indutus: habitus corporis quiescenti quam defuncto similior.

Interim Miseni ego et mater sed nihil ad historiam, nec tu aliud quam de exitu eius scire uoluisti. Finem ergo faciam.

Vnum adiciam, omnia me quibus interfueram quaeque statim, cum maxime uera memorantur, audieram, persecutum. Tu potissima excerpes; aliud est enim epistulam aliud historiam, aliud amico aliud omnibus scribere. Vale.


Pides write you my uncle's death in order to transmit to posterity with more accuracy. I thank you, as I see his death, if held for you, he has raised an immortal glory.

Indeed, although he died in the destruction of a beautiful land designed in a way to live forever, as befits the memorable towns and cities of luck, although he himself composed many and lasting works, but the immortality of your writings greatly increase its permanence.

feel fortunate indeed to whom you have been given a gift from the gods or do things worthy of being written or write things dignas de ser leídas, pero considero los más dichosos a quienes se les ha dado ambas cosas. En el número de éstos estará mi tío, tanto por sus libros como por los tuyos. Por eso con mucho gusto asumo, incluso reivindico, lo que propones.

Estaba en Miseno y presidía el mando de la flota. El día 24 de agosto en torno a las 13 horas mi madre le indica que se divisa una nube de un tamaño y una forma inusual..

Él, tras haber disfrutado del sol, y luego de un baño frío, había tomado un bocado tumbado y ahora trabajaba; pide las sandalias, sube a un lugar desde el que podía contemplar mejor aquel fenómeno. Una nube (no estaba claro de qué monte venía según she looked far and only then learned that he had been of Vesuvius) was emerging. It was not like in shape to any other tree that was not a pine. For

extending from the bottom up in a trunk, so to speak, much elongated, dispersed in some branches, I think, because it revived by a recent blow by reducing it then dissipated over the entire width, left or rather overcome by his weight, sometimes had a bright white color, sometimes dirty and stained, as if he had taken up to heaven earth or ashes.

I felt I should be examined further and closer, as befits a very learned man. Directs the preparation of a Liburna, allows me to accompany him if he wanted, I replied that I preferred to study, and eventually he had given me something to write.

left home, receives a message from Rectina, Tasco's wife, frightened by the threatening danger (his village was under the Vesuvius, and there was no way out except by boat), begged him to save her from such a great hurry. Change

plan and what had begun with the scientific spirit faces with best efforts. He took a boat with four rows of oars and shipped ready to help not only Rectina, but many (for the pleasantness of the coast had filled with bathers).

He hurries to go to the part where others flee and maintains steady course and rudder into danger, only to be free from fear him so that he dictated to his secretary and taking notes of all characteristics of that event and all its forms as was seen with his own eyes. Already

ash fell on the ships, the nearer they came, hotter and denser, and up and black pumice stones, burned and broken by the fire, and a sudden low background and the beach inaccessible by the collapse of the mountain. Having faltered a bit on whether to turn back, then the pilot, who warned that to do well, he says: "fortune favors the brave: Pomponiani go home from."

Stabiae He was in the center section of the Gulf (as it gradually enters the sea shore curved and rounded) there but the risk was not close but clear and very close to intensify the eruption, had carried the baggage ships, sure to be appeased escape if the wind coming from the front and which was favorably carried my uncle.

He embraces, comforts and encourages the frightened Pomponio. and mitigate their security fears that he orders provide a bath after washing, resting beside the table, dinner really glad or (what is equally great) pretending to be gay. Meanwhile

from Mount Vesuvius in many places very wide and high flames blazed explosions, whose light and light is accentuated by the darkness of night. My uncle, for relief from fear, kept saying that due to the agitation of the peasants had left fires burning and deserted villages without supervision. Then he began to stand and rested on a profound truth sleep, because his breathing was quite heavy and noisy because of his corpulence, was heard by those who were outside his door.

But the court from which you accessed the room, filled and a mixture of ash and pumice had risen so that, if spent more time in the room, it would impede escape. Once raised, rises and meets with Pomponiano and others who had remained alert.

deliberate in common if they stay home or go to wherever the field. For the rooms with frequent and wide ranging trembling and seemed to removed from their foundations and were sometimes turned to one side and some to another. The weather

again feared the fall of pumice stones in spite of being lightweight and decayed, but this option was comparing hazards and in the case of my uncle, a reflection was imposed another reflection on the other, a fear of another fear. Bands tied with pillows placed on their backs: This was the protection against falling rocks.

It was daylight on other sites and there was a night blacker and thicker than every night. However, many teas and various luminaries of relieved. It decided to go to the beach and examine up close what can offer and the sea, but it was still inaccessible and adverse. There

a sheet thrown over extended time and again called for cold water and drained. Then the flames and the smell of sulfur, indicating the fire, put to flight the other. him alert you.

Based on two slaves stood up and immediately collapsed, as I suppose, when breathing is obstructed by the higher density of smoke, and to keep open no longer the esophagus, which by nature was weak and narrow and often gave him heartburn.

When the lights came back (it was the third day, counting from the one who had last seen) his body was found intact with no injuries and covered as he dressed. The appearance was more like a sleeper than a cadaver.

Miseno Meanwhile in my mother and me ... but it does not matter to the story, or you wanted to know anything other than an end. For Thus ended.

only add that I narrated everything in what I had been present and what he had heard once, when we remember the truth further. You will select the most important, in fact, one thing is to write a letter and write another story, one thing is to write to a friend and another to all. Goodbye.


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