Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Designing A Prom Dress Online

scientific mission to Mars will soon be sent to our sister planet an exciting and revolutionary device browser

will soon be sent into space a human artifact of extraordinary size and complexity, singular

There are still many doubts in the air on Mars , doubts that could well be resolved by the new mission NASA , leading to the surface of this planet the largest space artifact ever built by man: The so-called Mars Science Laboratory ", better known by the shorter name of" Curiosity . "

Its launch is planned for late 2012, specifically between November 25 and 18 December and its mission will last approximately one Martian year (about two Earth years), during which tour the Martian surface automatically, using an advanced navigation system.

An impressive all-terrain over 800 kilos, will arrive at Mars to try to answer critical questions such as: "Was it possible life on Mars sometime in its history?" "Could it be possible to live now?" , "Is there any reasonable evidence of whether any life ever existed on our red friend?".

The "Rover Curiosity" will be equipped with equipment for this mission: multiple cameras, spectrometers, radiation detectors, environmental sensors, etc., by the way walking around a lab and automated, ready to complete his mission of searching, collecting, analyzing and transmitting data in relation to Martian materials.

only are the final details ready to leave the Rover, and NASA (" National Aeronautics and Space "), under the "Jet Propulsion Laboratory " (see photos below the facilities of JPL in Pasadena , California) has released a video explaining great mission, including its innovative "Sky Crane" for landing, and deposited the robot "Curiosity" ("Curiosity") on the Martian surface in a manner by other complex and so far never been attempted.

drop procedure "Armony " on Mars , it seems interesting excerpt from a film of science fiction .

kindly invite our dear readers to enjoy the embedded video below, which most likely will cause surprise and admiration.

digital Sites recommended exploring

1. No 3D Mars: NASA cameras will not James Cameron in "Curiosity" -chambers-of-james-cameron-in-the-curiosity /

2. NASA for dead

3. The Curiosity robot will travel to Mars with new wheels


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