Sunday, April 24, 2011

Black Dresses, Below Knee

Original Village Boobs

Volunteers are needed ...

Volunteers Wanted

people are needed ...
working for a better country
unless disapproved by all.
more persons acting
and less what you think.
More people to tell us:
"Here I am, tell me!"
and fewer people to tell us
"You would not do anything."
More people who plan the future without thinking
factions, religions, or leaders.
Fewer people speak of chimeras solutions. More people

with the greatness of thinking about others
and less than those who only think of their quintita.
more people are needed to make a commitment unless
and hide their true intentions.
More people in it by a road which today

need it and unless they are giving excuses or obstacles
to carry out a project.

We need more people who want to just give. That needs
"The Golden Apple."
Feel like? Get in touch with us

Thursday, April 14, 2011

How To Make Rockstar Wheels Clean

Printing workshop



Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Diagnosing Snowblower Belt Issues

The downward spiral undoubtedly going "downhill" Notebook

My opinion

Uruguay has a strong loss of values \u200b\u200bis nothing new, just never ceases to amaze how we are getting used to the bad, and we lose the ability fighting, and restore that which once filled us with pride and put us in a privileged place in our pairs Latin America.

turns out that today is commonplace rudeness, lack of respect for others, intolerance, violence, filth, lack of culture, not caring about anyone or anything.

As well with incredible force that follows the letter of Enrique Santos Discépolo the tango "Cambalache ."

is really painful to see how this downward spiral we do not know where we will leave. We

downhill, and the worst is that we have not been able to reverse this trend, we earn the majority who unfortunately are decreasing their social, ethical and moral.

Today, we wonder how for example a bus guardian should ask the chair to give a pregnant woman because otherwise travels up, and we see absolutely a doctor should ask her patient attend the next care with cleanliness bare minimum, because even that we are losing, good manners at all, everyday.

I do not want to politicize the issue, but I think it has much of a purpose bread and circuses to keep positions and powers.

can not be that Uruguayans can not improve our education really falls apart, and that is largely responsible for this cultural and social deterioration . No other explanation, because we can put a thousand excuses, that the power of the unions, the lack of coordination, etc, etc. But the truth is rarely invested in Uruguay education the amount of money that we (yes, we have, because it is our money) "wasted" in these years in this field. I say "wasted" because the truth the result was terrible, we could not improve almost anything, and still discussing diagnoses and causes, and solutions we are really little.

Lots of money invested, we have improved the salaries of teachers, but the classrooms are falling apart, we are missing 100 high schools, we have classes of 45 kids, we have high schools without a goalkeeper and armed students, missing seconded, and the list goes on. And I'm not talking about the more fundamental issue of what we want education policy or anything, I'm talking about issues operational and functionality, and that we could fix, so I'm starting to think this can not be casual.

We broke the garments giving a computer to every kid, but not teachers teach the proper handling of these or how to properly train their students. So we do things in our Uruguay.

Is it wrong for boys to have computer? Of course not, but the truth, I would have preferred another classroom for the class is 25 or 30 students rather than 40 or 50, and the kids learn in a classroom computer fixed and ready. But there are criteria, logically questionable.

We are forming a society of dependent, plans social faced by this government to address the crisis of poverty and destitution are not asking anything in return, for that matter go to work to stay home and be a "bum" is not necessary to go to school, or high school, or UTU , total, I pay the same, and the "kids" do not have to bother, no one controls anything and everything does not matter. That's the culture we are fostering.

Logically this issue to much more, but one goes out and becomes more and more embarrassed, people sleeping lying on the floor, and everywhere, dirt, insecurity, abuse, in short, every time worse, and there is an issue of political stripes, because we agree that this deterioration time comes, is not attributable solely to the government, but it seems that the Uruguayans do not know how to stop this downward spiral, it seems that we really have other priorities.

I hope we are able to react on time, once and for all the important issues we address as a society, we succeed to realize that we must urgently begin to improve each of us to act accordingly.

Letter tango "Cambalache"

That the world was and will
crap I know ...
In five hundred and six and two thousand too!).

There always have been thieves,
traitors and victims of fraud, happy and bitter
, values \u200b\u200band Dublé

But the twentieth century

is a display of insolent malice,
no longer be denied.

We lived sunk in a fuzz

and in the same mud
all worn ...

Today it is the same
be a traitor! ...
ignorant, wise or jet
generous or crook!

All is well!
Nothing is better!
a donkey and a great professor!

There are no failing grades or merit, immoral


If you live in a pose
and another steals in his ambition,
da same as a priest,
mattress, king of clubs, a cad or a stowaway
! ...

What disrespect, what abuse
to the right!
Anybody is a gentleman!
Anybody is a thief! Mixed with Stavisky

Don Bosco will
and "Mignon"
Don Chicho and Napoleon, Carnera and San Martin

Same as disrespectful window of the bazaars

life is mixed,
and wounded by a sword without rivets
mourn the Bible
see a water heater ...

Twentieth century, bazaar problematic and feverish
! ...
The mother who does not cry no
and strives not is a fool!

Go ahead!
Keep it up! That
back in the oven
vamo find us!

Think no more, sit down to a Lao

that no matter if you were born honest!

is the same
the one who works day and night like an ox,
the lives of others,
that kills and the curing
or is outside the law ...

Recommended Reading

1. Florencio Sánchez: Excerpt from Barranca Down "

2. Florencio Sánchez: Life and Work
C3% A1nchez
3. Florencio Sánchez: Work "downhill"

4. Florencio Sánchez Biography
http: / / / biography / s / sanchez_florencio.htm

Designing A Prom Dress Online

scientific mission to Mars will soon be sent to our sister planet an exciting and revolutionary device browser

will soon be sent into space a human artifact of extraordinary size and complexity, singular

There are still many doubts in the air on Mars , doubts that could well be resolved by the new mission NASA , leading to the surface of this planet the largest space artifact ever built by man: The so-called Mars Science Laboratory ", better known by the shorter name of" Curiosity . "

Its launch is planned for late 2012, specifically between November 25 and 18 December and its mission will last approximately one Martian year (about two Earth years), during which tour the Martian surface automatically, using an advanced navigation system.

An impressive all-terrain over 800 kilos, will arrive at Mars to try to answer critical questions such as: "Was it possible life on Mars sometime in its history?" "Could it be possible to live now?" , "Is there any reasonable evidence of whether any life ever existed on our red friend?".

The "Rover Curiosity" will be equipped with equipment for this mission: multiple cameras, spectrometers, radiation detectors, environmental sensors, etc., by the way walking around a lab and automated, ready to complete his mission of searching, collecting, analyzing and transmitting data in relation to Martian materials.

only are the final details ready to leave the Rover, and NASA (" National Aeronautics and Space "), under the "Jet Propulsion Laboratory " (see photos below the facilities of JPL in Pasadena , California) has released a video explaining great mission, including its innovative "Sky Crane" for landing, and deposited the robot "Curiosity" ("Curiosity") on the Martian surface in a manner by other complex and so far never been attempted.

drop procedure "Armony " on Mars , it seems interesting excerpt from a film of science fiction .

kindly invite our dear readers to enjoy the embedded video below, which most likely will cause surprise and admiration.

digital Sites recommended exploring

1. No 3D Mars: NASA cameras will not James Cameron in "Curiosity" -chambers-of-james-cameron-in-the-curiosity /

2. NASA for dead

3. The Curiosity robot will travel to Mars with new wheels

Monday, April 11, 2011

Ross Kemp Gangs Online

Information "Golden Apple": NGO, Civil

THE GOLDEN APPLE Civil Partnership


1725649 Matheu
Legal Status of 2139. 6

Te: 4308-3010 11 1556362035

THE GOLDEN APPLE ASSOCIATION: For a better quality of life


By 2003 a group of nurses, doctors and professionals from different disciplines in rehabilitation took the initiative to form an association to work on the topic of prevention seen serious cases arriving at hospital emergency departments. Since then have been developing educational activities, training and awareness to avoid preventable accidents by training, promotion and active participation within the community itself. Was obtained Legal Status No. (1725649) Year 2003 Recording in the published Civil Organizations (CIOB) 2005. In the year 2008 until April 2013 AFIP exempt from VAT.

Authorities of the Organization

• Lic.Marta PRESIDENT Ruiz de Costabile (J Hospital Nursing Supervisor: P. Garrahan) (Master of health systems and social security).

• CFO Dr. Marta S Saldivia (Dra in Pharmacy) (Pharmacy Comptroller Hospital Teodoro Alvarez).

• Lic SECRETARY Rosalina Fleitas (Degree in Nursing).

• Head of Nursing Sanatori Dto Franchini (Health Building).

Volunteer Staff

• Licensed and nurses of the Hospital Garrahan.

• nurse therapist specializing in computing and children.

• Nursing Schools Teachers Training Institute of UOCRA.

• Nursing students.

• Attorneys.

• computer technicians.

• speech therapists.

• Pharmaceuticals.

• Technicians in Hospital Statistics.

• psychologist.

• Medical. Only

a feeling that unites us is to give, provide, and be solidarity with all, and thus, from what we know or learned support to the community.

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Control Association and treatment of complex systems: The organization of human communities must be intelligently and scientifically enhanced

Ricard V. Solé: "As for the study of complexity, there is a critical number of connections below which a system is fragmented into small, independent subgraphs impossible to coordinate a harmonious whole. Exceeded the threshold, overcome the poor connectivity, these subsystems may be linked together, forming a coherent, rationally connected, and general objectives smart set. When the number of connections in a network is large enough and diverse, concrete may be a transition between a world composed of relatively isolated small communities and independent, and a world holistically connected to form a great society of elements well matched. "

TO CONSIDER: Any attempt to study and resolving a particular issue or set of interrelated issues, should address analysis and proposals in four fundamental aspects: the reflective, the regulatory, operator; The preventive.

TAKE NOTE: The sensible world and the social environment around us is not something given or marking from all eternity, and not emerged suddenly in the game of a succession of genetic mutations in humans. The social environment of our time was built up little by little, a product of ingenuity and creativity of humans, the product of industry and of successive social states in which for better or for worse we learned to organize. And in this sense is that our society and economy it is a historical product applied are the result of history itself, are the result of the activities of a number of generations, each of which is perched on the shoulders of the above. And the success or error, and for better or for worse, we humans, and we continue to develop our productive systems, our trade, our visions of the world and the universe. And particularly in special moments, in moments of breakdown and crisis, we modify our basic social operation, and adjust according to different situations and new needs, and the orientation of new paradigms.

EYE TO GOAL: This is not a game but if we play well, we can significantly change our structure of coexistence.

This is no game: In the theory of complex thinking, developed by the French philosopher Edgar Morin, states that reality (and especially social reality) is understood and explained in the following deep, simultaneous and multi-disciplinary only if it is approached from all possible angles. A specific phenomenon or a period of human evolution can be analyzed through the most diverse areas of knowledge and the most different methodologies, but through "multidisciplinary understanding" that gives the best results since it avoids the usual reduction of the problem or situation, entirely a matter for the science that professes, or the concern and sensitivity that more forceful than they appear. The reality or phenomena should be studied holistically and in all its complexity, since the division into smaller pieces, easy study and analysis within certain limits, but reduces the scope of knowledge, and restricts the view of the object and therefore also examined the range of possible solutions. Both the reality and one's thought and knowledge are complex, extremely complex, and because of this, we must start from complexity, to understand the universe under study as a whole. The crisis that erupted from the year 2008 is no more new economic crisis, it is clear manifestation of a tangled and deep structural problem. The attacks of human activities on the environment, may never be resolved if this problem try analyzed and solved in isolation, with specific solutions. And the same could be said of poverty, underdevelopment, drug trafficking, the imbalance of power, economy, social organization, and so forth. Because of this, explains the meager results to date worldwide, in implementing international agreements, in advance of regulations, tariffs, procedures, etc., because there have been analytical approaches and not holistic.

based Reflection at the thought of "Edgar Morin" : Every crisis brings a very strong increase in uncertainty, and predictability much reduced. Become threatening disorders, and in that scenario a few win and many lose, passed as the proverb puts it: "A troubled waters, fishermen gain." In times of crisis, the antagonisms inhibit the complementarities and cooperation, and also potential or latent conflicts are updated and sometimes explode. And then and then fail or dismantle regulations. It is necessary to leave programs, and many people suffer. Obviously, it's time to devise strategies to overcome the crisis, to overcome the problems to leap forward. In a crisis, it is often necessary to leave the solutions previously served compared to other crises, and develop innovative strategies and creative original regulation and control procedures.

In a dominant civilization, a new integration of knowledge and strategies: needed to move from the dynamics of discord the dynamics of consensus on the dynamics of the imposition of the dynamics of the conciliation of the dynamics of competition to dynamics of cooperation, of the dynamics of the majority to the dynamics of deliberation and respect for minorities also.

Towards a civilization intelligently and rationally established, towards a civilization socially correct: economics, social science is more advanced mathematically, social science is humanly backward, because it operates largely without considering the social, historical, political, psychological, ecological, and certain inseparable all economic activities. So, experts are increasingly unable to interpret the causes and consequences of currency and stock market shocks and of accurately predicting the economic course, even the short term. The error as to a more correct political and economic orientation, the error in the assessment and prediction of social developments, it becomes of course a prominent consequence of economic science.

Abandon the too compartmentalized current social structure: is reasonable to say that, while locked in knowledge remain relatively isolated compartments and with little coordination, it will be impossible to make a more or less rough on the course that led the human species, is following Planet Earth and the life that flourishes there. Particularly true in the twentieth century has been great and important progress in the various specialized disciplines, but these developments are scattered, disunited, precisely because of specialization and a lack of proper coordination, which often breaks the contexts, and contrast to the global concerns. Disciplines and lose some of their ability to contextualise knowledge, to sort of trade, and build integrated networks and well coordinated. The weakening of the global perception of what leads to the weakening of responsibility and solidarity.