Sunday, May 2, 2010

Recipe For Chili's Bottomless Chips

Rally in North

This photo Rally is organized by the Citizens' Platform Zone Norte.

Reunión informativa sobre el RALLYE y pequeño TALLER FOTOGRÁFICO:
Miércoles 5 de mayo a las 19h en el Centro Cívico Norte.
FICHA DE INSCRIPCIÓN* : Persona de contacto - Organización a la que pertenecéis - Teléfono y Correo electrónico - Nombre y apellidos de l@s participantes.
Envía tu inscripción antes del 6 de Mayo a
Para más información: 657 247635
participation will take place in small groups. People interested individual teams will be organized at the beginning of rally.

activity will be done by small groups and may make all the pictures that are considered significant to the specific topic. It is also important to interact with the environment to better understand shooting the picture later. We talk to people, ask for suggestions of photos ...

central action will take place on Friday 7 May afternoon (from 17 to 21h), relying upon:

From April 26 to May 5

1. Organize groups from different areas and ages, increasing the diversity of perspectives: children, youth, seniors, families, neighbors @ s. ..

May 5 at 19 h in the civic center north

2. Meeting prior information with people relating to each group + Small Workshop: Basic Indicators for taking good pictures.

explain roughly how it works in photography and photo reportage.

6 and May 7

3. Rally photo ... Between Thursday and Friday, the groups organized to do it (preferably on Friday from 17 to 19 h).

May 7 at 19 h . in the civic center north

4. Meeting at the Civic Center after the end of the tour, which will download all photos (supported by the University and audiovisual means).

5. After seeing the pictures, each group will select the most interesting.

6. Presentation and discussion with all participants.

7. try to decide between all the most expressive images, which will expand and be prepared to be part of an exhibition or more, to be submitted a week later.

15 May 12-20 h. in the civic center north of the neighborhood streets.

8. Exhibition and public presentation ceremony


- Organize an action that promotes community dialogue

à Questions and answers ...

- mobilize the participation of the people of the Northern Zone.

- develop a collective analysis of reality.

- know experiences of our neighborhoods.

- Serve mirror challenge to the community, and the rest of the city.


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