Thursday, May 6, 2010

How To Get An Account On Techdecklive

Workshop Binding "When there is back of everything as"

Days: 11,12,13 and 14 May
Hours: 18:00 to 21:00
Venue: Faculty of Fine Arts
Places: 20
Enrollment: 10 €
Speaker: Christian Malo Pre
in e:

This workshop aims to equip participants theoretical and practical resource for both a stylish and functional documentation file, and for making notebooks and artist books. To begin with we will give an overview of several models of sewing simple and quick to forget that produces dizziness spiral finish. For that we need each person to bring that interests you keep notes to a total of five blocks with which we practice different endings. After work on Coptic sewing possibilities. After that each participant in the workshop will seek a specific purpose to work in what may be a book artist, photo albums, a portfolio, sketchbook, etc..
be provided all materials and tools, you just have to bring the notes and creativity for escepcional result. And not settle for anything and the back of your books will be the toughest.


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