Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ideas For Outdoor Skating Party


These seminars are presented as an independent cultural collective meeting with students to find answers to the artistic creation from a more critical and socially. We therefore invite a number of groups from different parts of Spain and Granada, who will present their work explaining how they are organized, because we need a kind of self-managed culture, the types of projects being carried out and the impact have in society. It is a way for students to see that there are possible alternatives to the different culture to which we are offered by institutions.


-Spread, for discussion and reflection, activities and ways of managing groups invited as alternatives to institutional culture.
-Encourage interaction and discussion among English groups working in the same domain. TEAM


ATOMIC EYE: Eye Atomic
began operations in 1993 with a program of site-specific installations in an abandoned factory on the street Sánchez Pacheco de Madrid. Since then he has managed several spaces and more than 100 exhibitions in Spain and Mexico. You have conducted nine editions of the fair alternative fashion and accessories Shopping Room, involving a total of over 200 young designers. Following the close of his last home in December 2007, the Antimuseo works projects for public spaces, working with civil associations and groups. Has created a portable device for display of art. The next stage of our work is Latin America. In 2005 the cultural association is Antimuseo of Contemporary Art, and add this item to the name of the Atomic Eye.

the swarm
The hive is a cultural association that offers great work number of artists willing to offer their ways of seeing and doing, willing to teach the intricacies of their creations. Musicians, dancers, painters, photographers, performers, sculptors, poets, writers, video artists, chefs ... all prepared for an active exchange from which to let go-go knowledge, where do put together and blur the boundaries of their practices. Question
format art space assumed to offer opportunities and build infinite ways to design realities, experiences and relationships, in other words, to make art. Proposed non-standard exhibition mounts to bring the metamorphosis of space, workshops, meetings, presentations ... Also mobile activities that emphasize the creative vitality of many artists and thinkers who still have wanted to do and undo, to spread, teach and communicate. OTHER SPACE

are a cultural, non-profit organization dedicated to the production, management and dissemination of contemporary art. It was founded in 2008 and is located in Valencia. Exhibitions, organize lectures, meetings and conferences. COLLECTIVE


is a nonprofit association formed by a group of students and alumni of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Granada School of Architecture. It is a project design and construction of a self-managed learning community, for their own students. Have the following objectives: Build
-learning collectively, actively and critically involved in the work learner.
-Serve connection between academia and society. Form a pore space where academic and professional fields to spontaneously converge. -Facilitate, its partners, the implementation of the knowledge acquired during their university studies. Encourage self-generation and critical thinking projects that create solidarity. -Support the creation mixed work teams, interdisciplinary, and hybrids. AUXILIARY SPACE

is a platform that is being generated to allow a place where anyone with creative interests may be brought forward. Looking for the approach of all types of people who have wanted to help, also seeks to create a meeting point for human relationships. It is a place for the transmission, development and production which generate alternative cultural possibilities imposed. Auxiliary space is conceived as a plural in search of interdisciplinarity that can bring new knowledge to anyone who wants to be part of it. Have already led workshops and conferences, as well as encounters with young people with multiple activities to disseminate it. It is a space that allows workspaces that can be used to make the proposals want to raise no limits to creativity.

ConceptuARTE is an art collective was born in Granada by a group of students of Fine Arts, Photography, Design or Advertising, Extremadura mostly interested in contemporary art, with experience in both individual and collective exhibitions, art projects , interventions, workshops, ... and a great impetus for creation and innovation. The group has fundamental objectives using recyclables to make artistic creations of any kind, public works, installations, interventions, sculpture, painting, ... that are linked to the current social context, always taking the relationship between art / town / city as a basic concept.

DATE: Wednesday 26 May.
HOST: Aulabierta auxiliary space.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

How To Get An Account On Techdecklive

Workshop Binding "When there is back of everything as"

Days: 11,12,13 and 14 May
Hours: 18:00 to 21:00
Venue: Faculty of Fine Arts
Places: 20
Enrollment: 10 €
Speaker: Christian Malo Pre
in e:

This workshop aims to equip participants theoretical and practical resource for both a stylish and functional documentation file, and for making notebooks and artist books. To begin with we will give an overview of several models of sewing simple and quick to forget that produces dizziness spiral finish. For that we need each person to bring that interests you keep notes to a total of five blocks with which we practice different endings. After work on Coptic sewing possibilities. After that each participant in the workshop will seek a specific purpose to work in what may be a book artist, photo albums, a portfolio, sketchbook, etc..
be provided all materials and tools, you just have to bring the notes and creativity for escepcional result. And not settle for anything and the back of your books will be the toughest.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Nerf Party Birthday Invitations

about identity. Project Assistant staff in Space Photographic

Good'm Rafa and this is a personal project I did in the Auxiliary Area in February, my initial idea was contrasted by a circular wall and split my insight into the memory of a place that I am very appreciated with the image sold by institutions place. During the construction process many things occurred that changed the final goal, turning in a work process itself.
I linked to my blog where you can watch a video and read a diary of the whole process.

The mural is located in the area who we want to see, and in the middle you will find a folder with a bunch of pages where I started writing a story and I hope the people will be encouraged and continue.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Recipe For Chili's Bottomless Chips

Rally in North

This photo Rally is organized by the Citizens' Platform Zone Norte.

Reunión informativa sobre el RALLYE y pequeño TALLER FOTOGRÁFICO:
Miércoles 5 de mayo a las 19h en el Centro Cívico Norte.
FICHA DE INSCRIPCIÓN* : Persona de contacto - Organización a la que pertenecéis - Teléfono y Correo electrónico - Nombre y apellidos de l@s participantes.
Envía tu inscripción antes del 6 de Mayo a
Para más información: 657 247635
participation will take place in small groups. People interested individual teams will be organized at the beginning of rally.

activity will be done by small groups and may make all the pictures that are considered significant to the specific topic. It is also important to interact with the environment to better understand shooting the picture later. We talk to people, ask for suggestions of photos ...

central action will take place on Friday 7 May afternoon (from 17 to 21h), relying upon:

From April 26 to May 5

1. Organize groups from different areas and ages, increasing the diversity of perspectives: children, youth, seniors, families, neighbors @ s. ..

May 5 at 19 h in the civic center north

2. Meeting prior information with people relating to each group + Small Workshop: Basic Indicators for taking good pictures.

explain roughly how it works in photography and photo reportage.

6 and May 7

3. Rally photo ... Between Thursday and Friday, the groups organized to do it (preferably on Friday from 17 to 19 h).

May 7 at 19 h . in the civic center north

4. Meeting at the Civic Center after the end of the tour, which will download all photos (supported by the University and audiovisual means).

5. After seeing the pictures, each group will select the most interesting.

6. Presentation and discussion with all participants.

7. try to decide between all the most expressive images, which will expand and be prepared to be part of an exhibition or more, to be submitted a week later.

15 May 12-20 h. in the civic center north of the neighborhood streets.

8. Exhibition and public presentation ceremony


- Organize an action that promotes community dialogue

à Questions and answers ...

- mobilize the participation of the people of the Northern Zone.

- develop a collective analysis of reality.

- know experiences of our neighborhoods.

- Serve mirror challenge to the community, and the rest of the city.