Tuesday, May 6, 2008

What Age Domales Get A Physical Exam

Youth Organizations Call Closed - Open Call


officially opens Youth Organizations Call for the whole national territory you want to be part of the Federal Youth Platform in Argentina. This will be done within the framework of our II Ordinary General Assembly to be held next 23, 24 and 25 May. are covered travel expenses and accommodation.

If for any reason can not see the above image, click here ago.

1. Registration forms (to be sent to info@pfja.org.ar): 2. The complete program and sheet will be uploaded to this page in the coming hours ...

Our blog you can find all our corporate information or if you have questions about the Assembly you can send an email to info@pfja.org.ar .

We ask
PLEASE that forwards the flyer to your contacts, you takes a little time and can give opportunity for more organizations around the country.

Greetings! Sumate enter for impact! Your organization must be present!


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