Monday, May 5, 2008

Dream About Cleaning A Bathtub

Seminar Invitation PFJA: "New Forms of Youth Participation: Challenges to Public Policies and Civil Society"

Dear s,

wanted to invite especially when we have been organizing seminar from the Platform, "New Forms of Youth Participation: Challenges to Public Policies and Civil Society."

One of the main objectives pursued with the holding of this event is the creation of documents which form the material basis of work for the next meeting we will have 23, 24 and 25 May . This clearly gives a measure of IMPORTANCE having the PARTICIPATION OF ALL in the construction of this process.

We would also like to thank all those who made possible the organization of this event and the intervention will have important speakers and panelists confirmed.

Remember that we need to RSVP . Hope to see you!

A very affectionate greetings!


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