Friday, November 7, 2008

Ghost Ship Topless Women

Pegoteate Project! Youth Advocacy Campaign

We invite 2 people to join the organizing group Project Pegoteate! whose practical goal in the first instance, the creation of an electronic bulletin automatic generation. Briefly, the intention is to present a newsletter and compact, simple and modern aesthetic, focused and attractive to young people who walked in Argentina, where dissemination projects, activities, opportunities, jobs, calls, etc. of all NGOs registered in a database.

Subscribe to pegoteate!


Primary objectives:
  • Getting young people opportunities projects, events, shows and non-profit activities in an attractive, orderly and effective.
  • facilitate and enhance the dissemination of nonprofit organizations opportunities and national and international events.
  • invite young people from around the world, but especially from Argentina, who are interested in receiving events in Argentina to join the group pegoteate! Convene
  • organizations around the country to join this space.

Secondary objectives:
  • disseminate the principles and values \u200b\u200bof the Federal Youth Platform in Argentina.
  • Create a newsletter Easy to use automatic electronic

Why pegoteate!?

Although not definitely confirmed this name, it is clear targets with regard to the transmission image and visual impact that this project will have.
There are three aspects we look primarily to cover regarding this as part of marketing strategy:
  • feeling should cause infection, ideally we make young people "feel they can no longer be there."
  • should arouse curiosity, attention and do it at the same time mean a place unexplored opportunities for most
  • And of course should have wave with l @ s young people, in other words, you must have an aesthetic and a name cornered.
believe that the proposed name and logo (attached) can be a very good candidate. We'd love these looks have everyone's opinion.

Bulletin "Automatic?
In this first stage is working on creating a website that will be able to be accessed only by authorized bodies that contain a few fields where you can attach the information you want to send along pictures.

All information posted by organizations will be collected and accommodated in a predesigned template and then sent to the group pegoteate! and consequently to its subscribers. It is clear then that group will eventually be used for this purpose. Therefore, we urge everyone to cooperate with the dissemination of this e-group to subscribe without restriction.

Visit this group

This is the code Pegoteate!, To put on their pages or blog's. Difundamoslo.

Friday, October 10, 2008

First Response Pregnancy Light Second Line

Youth Advocacy

Influence, is participating in decisions that affect us. This campaign is an excellent opportunity to get involved so your voice and that of many other boys and girls are heard. Therefore, from August 12 to December 10, 2008, the Federal Platform of Argentina Youth invites you to a participatory consultation process and proposals with the aim of strengthening and fully disclose the terms of the youth movement, making its impact in decision-making arenas.

What is the objective?
identify and express our views on the issues that are important to us, participating in the development of a document that includes Argentine youth greater number and diversity of young voices of our country.

From the website of the Youth Advocacy campaign or from here you can download: the Call the Registration Form and Space Declaration Latin American Youth. If you have wanted to participate but still do not know how, contact us, to escrbiéndonos

We inspire and share our activities, we know better, dialogue and make joint proposals, helping to build a timetable and a map between groups that reflect how we are going all giving concrete shape to this move.

Get in touch with the coordinators of the campaign: Gonzalo Rodriguez
: +15 6 459 2084
Cristian Rodriguez: +15 5 501 2396

Supported by:
[logotig.png] [logovientos.png]

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

How Long Does It Take To Heal After Gingivectomy

Complies Iberoamerican Youth Space to encourage participation and youth associations

On 8 August, settle in the city of La Antigua, Guatemala , Ibero-American Youth Space. This organization brings together National Youth Councils, Youth Platforms national and international bodies active in the Latin American area working for the vindication of values \u200b\u200bthe rule of law, democracy, peace, rights human dignity and diversity cultural and ethnic diversity.

The aim of the Ibero-American Youth Space is to carry out actions related to promoting participation, promotion of youth associations, enforcement of human rights, social inclusion and recognition of minorities as well as influence the development of public policies directed at youth.

As part of this gathering were surveyed over 2000 young people to identify their needs Iberomérica and vision for the actions of governments on youth. Through this tool we identified that 60% of young people believed that to ensure their rights is key youth networking and access to information. Also identified that 70% believes that Latin American governments should always work together for the improvement of youth, launching initiatives and programs for youth, as economic, social cultural and are not guaranteed.

Consequently, under the "XVIII Ibero-American Summit Heads of State and Government ", and l Iberoamerican Youth Space present an analysis and a proposal in response to complaints of youth seeking to improve living conditions and strengthening participation in the development social, economic, cultural and political.

Download the document by clicking here or on the title

Contact: . Phone 54-11-1569603792

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Chest Hurt After Excercise

Hacete Hear: Participate in the Survey of Latin American Area Youth

Dear Friends:

Una serie de organizaciones juveniles iberoamericanas nos hemos propuesto realizar un estudio sobre ciertas cuestiones relativas a la juventud con motivo de la celebración durante 2008 del Año Iberoamericano de la Juventud y para ello estamos realizando una encuesta a jóvenes de todos los países iberoamericanos. El objetivo de este estudio es presentar una serie de demandas y propuestas ante los organismos internacionales para el desarrollo de políticas específicas en materia de juventud. Nos gustaría que dedicases unos minutos a responder las siguientes preguntas y que participaras con nosotros y nosotros en esta iniciativa. Te garantizamos la total confidencialidad y anonimato de tus respuestas
If you feel like to participate click on the link and if you want and you can send it to your friends and friends from throughout Latin America so that everyone can participate!

Greetings Federal Youth Platform

Monday, June 2, 2008

Brazilian Wax York Region

open message to all participants and friends of the Federal Youth Platform Argentinas: "The next 52 weeks"

Dear Friends Platform:

A week ago Santa Fe created a new milestone PFJA: It was discussed, was approved last management to agree the future guidelines on the platform and gave a mandate to a new Board.

That Sunday, after having created a very thorough discussion, which built more and better democracy and greater inclusion, was appointed along with other colleagues who form the Executive Committee, Chairman of the Platform for the period 2008-2009. It is for this reason that I appreciate the confidence and promise to try to channel all the desires and expectations in the Second Annual Meeting. However, I think I should make clear that in order to "channel" is needed "stuff" that is the work of all of you to the platform. The last meeting shows that no material is missing.

is these 52 weeks that lie ahead, I put to the consideration of each and all following lines of work that will strengthen understand this space.

As the internal strengthening the Board of Directors will propose to create a roadmap which to discuss internal rules of operation that contains the features of federalism, including, where larger organizations contribute to the strengthening of the Platform, to be agreed by everyone from the use of new technologies that allow participation from all over the country. Once generated it, look how to mold our will to a legal concept that allows us to longed to have the legal personality. I also call our Commission to explain what are the resources that can contribute to the platform and later give rise to all organizations and individuals who, without being in it, have been made available to continue actively building our space.

As for the legitimacy and space, seeking to create and strengthen institutional linkages with state actors working in the field of youth, both at the national, provincial and municipal as well as continue to work with the international space with which we have been interacting. Also generate actions that generate information, position and influence from the platform on the issues that concern us. I understand that the platform should not take actions that generate and its member organizations, in any event, accompanied by goals to enhance and facilitate access to greater resources. The platform should enhance the work of organizations and at the same time as enhanced space, all without losing their identity anywhere. In this gym, that of the commons, there is always the fear of "losing", for this I propose the following formula: "all the benefits to the organization in particular, not to exceed the revenue generated for the platform in general." Platform members have much work done, our goal will accompany them to socialize and democratize the same access to knowledge and information.

Beyond the thematic want to say that my way, I need and I'm always open for feedback and generate discussion. And I also need to express that the work done during these years I found that only after the action is generated by bonds of trust between people and the only limits we set ourselves.

Luckily I get to the opportunity to work in this Committee, to people who have mainly experienced and eager to work. Friends, we will be in contact with every day, but within a year I'm sure we'll be celebrating the many new achievements generated by the Platform!. Personally

end this letter by a personal appreciation to all members of the Steering Committee last because without the work done by them, we would not be here.

We are ready, we just have to keep working.

A big hug to everyone Haiuk

Guille - Guillermo Haiuk

Federal Youth Platform
Argentine Tel: 11 69603792
Postal Address: 2921
Feliu Olaguer and Autonomous City of Buenos Aires - Argentina

Friday, May 16, 2008

Do Herpes Get Worse By Age

I closed the call this coming Monday will be notified in all organizations of the final decision with all the relevant information.

We thank the more than 170 people across the country who contacted us to participate in this great event.

is now available for download Tentative Programme and Briefing Paper where they can learn the next steps, details in logistics, transportation and infrastructure, etc..

For any questions you have, please write to .

Thanks again. See you next May 23! PFJA

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

What Age Domales Get A Physical Exam

Youth Organizations Call Closed - Open Call


officially opens Youth Organizations Call for the whole national territory you want to be part of the Federal Youth Platform in Argentina. This will be done within the framework of our II Ordinary General Assembly to be held next 23, 24 and 25 May. are covered travel expenses and accommodation.

If for any reason can not see the above image, click here ago.

1. Registration forms (to be sent to 2. The complete program and sheet will be uploaded to this page in the coming hours ...

Our blog you can find all our corporate information or if you have questions about the Assembly you can send an email to .

We ask
PLEASE that forwards the flyer to your contacts, you takes a little time and can give opportunity for more organizations around the country.

Greetings! Sumate enter for impact! Your organization must be present!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Paramedic Schools Illinois

Official Call to the Second Ordinary General Assembly

Download the Official Notice .

@ s esteemed members of the Platform,

is our greatest joy, notified the official call II the Ordinary General Assembly of the Federal Youth Platform in Argentina .

This great moment take place next Sunday 25th May this year under the Training and Evaluation Meeting to be held on Friday 23 and Saturday May 24, 2008. During these days we'll meet in the City of Santa Fe where we will share important experiences that will steady course to consolidate and strengthen our platform.

It is reasonable to clarify still remains to be done and logistics programming, so we're going to beg them to all members of a greater effort and commitment in the latter stages of organization. Due to the magnitude of the event and the short time available, we need the help of more volunteers .

I also remind you that must necessarily fill Income Sheet and Registration Form the Assembly, both attachments. For logistical reasons, it is necessary to have the answer of these documents with, before May 14, 2008.

As soon as you send the flyer for dissemination so that they can invite all your contacts, the program and technical information on the place.

We reiterate our happy and take this opportunity to congratulate the excellent last year. We remain at your disposal for any questions or concerns are present.


Dream About Cleaning A Bathtub

Seminar Invitation PFJA: "New Forms of Youth Participation: Challenges to Public Policies and Civil Society"

Dear s,

wanted to invite especially when we have been organizing seminar from the Platform, "New Forms of Youth Participation: Challenges to Public Policies and Civil Society."

One of the main objectives pursued with the holding of this event is the creation of documents which form the material basis of work for the next meeting we will have 23, 24 and 25 May . This clearly gives a measure of IMPORTANCE having the PARTICIPATION OF ALL in the construction of this process.

We would also like to thank all those who made possible the organization of this event and the intervention will have important speakers and panelists confirmed.

Remember that we need to RSVP . Hope to see you!

A very affectionate greetings!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Best Ds Rom Card 2010

10 ° International Film Festival Human Rights DerHumALC

8 to May 14, 2008 will be held in Buenos Aires the tenth edition of International Film Festival Human Rights DerHumALC, organized by the Multimedia Institute DerHumALC, with the support of major public and private institutions.

The venues of the Festival will be the Centro Cultural Recoleta, Centro Cultural Cooperation, the Gaumont Cinema and the Centro Cultural Borges. As in previous editions, expected an attendance of over 10,000 people.

Importantly, we will be organizing for Wednesday 14 May, Seminar "New Forms of Youth Participation: Challenges to Public Policies and Civil Society" which will have more details in the coming days.

Read more about the 10 International Film Festival Human Rights DerHumALC


Festival Catalog: clicking here
Programming Grid clicking here

Opening Ceremony:

invite the Opening Ceremony on Wednesday, May 7 at 20 pm. on May 25 Theater Complex in Triumvirate Av 4440 (and Olazabal).

act Horizontal Orchestra and the documentary "Gate 12", directed by Paul Tesoriere.


Prensa 10 Festival Internacional de Cine de Derechos Humanos DerHumALC

Monday, February 25, 2008

Best Way To Wax Balls

Participating in international events

Les wanted to communicate at this time confirmation of who will participate in the V edition of the University of Citizen Participation in Uruguay and in the First Meeting: "Strengthening of the associative Youth as a Tool for Development in the Andean Region in Cartagena de Indias. The first meeting

mentioned will be Javier Emiliano Martinez, delegated by the Network of Youth Organizations in Mendoza in charge of carrying the representation of the Platform. We congratulate your appointment and give our full support. We are convinced that you will have a big role and we will all be able to use it.

On the other hand, we would also give public notice of the appointment of Gonzalo Rodriguez, delegated by the MCJCBA, current Treasurer the PFJA. Congratulations to him too.

appreciate the participation of all!


can download all the information about these events here:
- UPC Workshop, Call .
- First Meeting of the Youth Association Network Strengthening , Call PFJA

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Lic Jeevan Saral Skim Plan


We give notice of the Whole to be held on February 28, 2008 at 17.30hs in SES, located at Avenida de May 1156 , 2 ° Piso, Ciudad de Buenos Aires.

For those who for various reasons unable to attend may do so on-line by adding Skype contact geronimo.tutusaus.

The proposed agenda is developed then please if you want to add a new topic, simply exprésenlo.

Members who wish to invite other organizations, they can. Confirm presence.

- Conclusion of the Second Assembly of Members: agenda of issues, funding, dates, etc..
- Elections: regulation and regulation.
- Proposal by the assembly of a National Program.
- Current Projects seeking funding.
- Legal Status
Platform - Upcoming International Meetings: V Editing University of Citizen Participation in Uruguay and the First Meeting: "Strengthening of the associative Youth as a Tool for Development in the Andean Region in Cartagena de Indias
- Working Committees: Assessment and responsibilities, goals and objectives to the next Assembly
- International Film Festival Human Rights

Greetings! PFJA

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Best Basket Ideas For Auctions

Whole February 28 The environment, the biggest concern Argentine youth

The results of our campaign: Vote and get involved! Elections 2007 are available for all ... And you can download the Micro Preliminary Report, the Power Point Presentation and last Press Release to be able to spread.

The Decalogue Claims Youth was formed by a vote of more than 8000 young Argentines and remained in these positions:

1 The care of the environment is everyone's responsibility (3433 votes)
2 º My family is my best support (2981 votes)
3 º Work gives me independence (2946 votes)
4 ° Young people represent the change (2827 votes)
5 º should be discussing the issue of abortion (2698 votes)
6 The democracy is not negotiable (2438 votes)
7 th At and young people do not take into account when defining the important things (2369 votes)
8 º I would like to know more about the actions of government for the young people (2364 votes)
9 th there much difference between public education and private (2305 votes)
10 º I never undertake a review of HIV / AIDS (2289 votes)

"With this campaign broke myth that young people do not want to participate, when the channels are appropriate and are built from us, we can express ourselves. " Guillermo said Haiuk, our campaign spokesman Clarin. And it can not be more right.

Now that young people who strive to improve the quality of life for young people, we and all who are willing or able to join what is clear to us that shows that today's youth needs, we must put an even greater challenge to even bigger jump, from the 2008 to finally be heard and resolved that young people today claim they need, want, want and crave.

invite you to find this year in all, a road, a project in which young people are the protagonists of great change. We know it's hard, but we prove it is not impossible.

Just look at all that we were able to do so far ...

This is the video of the interview he had William with Clarin, the note can be found by clicking here

and on the Internet, print, television, etc, just put them on top of some links that we found ... ? WWW51c9izlnfios7 $ $ s = notes / I $ WW91t3t920n7jaep6jk9tf = -y-participa.html -de-participation-juvenil.html!notas $ notes / veo $ WW918jabhvhlijz9w21nil .ar / edicionimpresa / supplements / solidary / nota.asp? nota_id = 962633 & origen = notaAnt