Friday, January 8, 2010

Spanish Rap Vs Black Rap

"no censorship of Internet social networks" and the economy

Today, I was playing Need for Speed \u200b\u200bshift, when suddenly a note universal left in the twitter ...
talk in which the secretary of the commission constitutional points in San Lazaro, Rep. Norberto Sanchez Nazario, plans to file an initiative legislation to regulate social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, Hi5, etc), on the grounds that these are used to evade police operations such as the breathalyzer.
The truth of such ideas are abhorrent to me, I must clarify that I am not of those who drink and drive, are the effects of alcohol on the human body and the damage it may have. But this is no reason to regulate the content of social networks. Would deprive the freedom of communication and expression of Mexicans. As an old saying "you may not agree with what you say but I will defend with my life your right to say" the solution is not regular or "censor" social networks, but lies in the inculcation of values If you agree the "no censorship of social networking sites" spread it.



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