Sunday, November 29, 2009

How To Raise Snowmobile Suspention

the Phantom of the Opera

hello, and have time to write no aki q in the blog I have it somewhat neglected, but this weekend I had the opportunity to attend a movie really cool, as is expected musicalized functions of the film library are very good and had the opportunity to attend another 2 "Faust" and " Nosferatu. "

This time I went to see "The Phantom of the Opera" a silent, black and white, free treat for any film fan, was into music live rock band x "Canyon"

yet to be extra special q is therefore the vdd were several friends and we do it managed to gather a lot of band

After watching the movie some of us Coyoacán risk going to eat ... you know lol Takos Blight

.. q I have some photos I take the "Manel" ...


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