Friday, October 30, 2009

Cm Thick And Yellowish Right Before Af?

Hell (calaverita)

Twitter was becoming famous

Even in the hell were opening accounts

The cemetery is the twittering went

And the live Internet browsing

@ lacatrina era that most twitting

followers and the most concentrated

With many requests she had

of twitter that she did not accept

As always your timeline saturated


Hayo punishment to see if it does not twitter

If users of Twitter would not let

In the House of Representatives approved the tax

The twitter # internetnecesario retweeted

To see if the tax were not increased

Trending Topic hashtag had become

But even so, the future looked very uncertain

Punishment & # 160; the deputies were approved

And twittered the hell were claiming

beyond the Internet would blockade

catrina To that tweet could no longer

Since then the skinny cries her sorrow

Not to pity the misfortune

Having approved the tax

Everyone has "desfolloweado"


@ anicienta


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