Saturday, September 19, 2009

No Cd Sims2 Mansion And Garden

already saw me ....

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How Long Does It Take Kidney Beans To Germinate

Independence Day and Day Monkey


today's comic strip and the relationship with the day of the independería me though .... Q

Sometimes nationalism, or go to a sports group makes you feel you want to celebrate the victories of them, like the fut, or ah day if the student or the day of the secretary, perhaps likewise may be the day the monkey or the day of Mexican independence, this began with a goal and finished with another ... The idea was to remain loyal to King Ferdinand VII and more power to the Creoles (children of English born in New Spain) and not a country or a nation.

But the consequences of these ideas were the existence of Mexico as a nation and continue the saying "nobody knows who works"

q can tell I had more time today ... well today was a holiday, so much so that today I had no classes so

q me just say .. VIVA MEXCO BASTARDS!! .. I'm finally one more of these crabs in this great wall

Monday, September 14, 2009

Rolladen Rolling Shutters Average Prices


I will share a little q x the mail I get


TEC de Monterrey ....... ..............$ 48, 000.00 Semester.

-> Studying at UNITEC ....................................$ 28,000.00 semester.

-> Studying in La Salle ....................................... $ 31,000.00 Semester.

-> Studying at the UNAM Semestreles ...............................$ 0.20.

Well, actually PRICELESS !!!!!!

There are some things money can buy ... but to study at UNAM is .... Ching!



" know the night is made to work."

and has lost the meaning of the word "rest"

& # 160; He nodded at:
• The bathroom .
• The bus.
· The food.
• The dinner.
• The breakfast.
· But never in the classroom.

Enter aplatanado home only on the computer, and start to work, Go to bed and sleep for a few hours.

.'s In a cyber café or on stationary front minutes before class printing job that took all night to perform.

has a Menu:
· Pasta
· & # 160; Papas
· ; Cookies
· Coca
· & # 160; Sweets
• Water
· Sabritas
· & # 160; Café
. Tamale Cakes, gorditas, sandwiches of two weights and all that is sold in the cafeteria ( this especially his pal dog food)

has lost the meaning of what is' eating seriously. "

. Up or down in weight without understanding that surprising?.

. Study as desperate for an exam, and a think last night has not learned anything, it starts the next day all over him.

. Just wait on the weekends to sleep for the first time.

. It has gone to fart a day before an exam and still pass.
. Sale of field practice, and all he said was: But I got good peda.

. You can live without eating, without sleeping, without seeing your bf / gf. But without your computer, Internet and printer ink, think that your life is over.

. He knows what he is dreaming of a job not yet finished and is to deliver in a few hours, or a test that shall as soon as you lift.

. You know the place to sleep, is to be in the stool, the grass outside the classroom, between classes.

. He knows what he is to receive a call from a friend @ he has not seen in years and want to hang ya, it has a very heavy discussion the next day.

. No matter how much it cost to do a task, testing, research, short, whatever, for the teacher always wrong.

. He knows what he is to get good projects and no support from the director.

. Makes Reservations fucking English or French when you're dragging to hell in the other materials and Reservations are in vain because no one learns or mothers and tends to resign.

. Do not you realize if you had home renovations, new paint, if you have some new tenant .. . but if your desk is clean it !!!!, CARE becomes aggressive, as in the disorder know where your work, notes, books etc (nothing is in disarray everything is stored on the floor).

. He died by being asked, "Where are you studying? or "Where did you study? and answer with a pride that even up the neck ...
AT UNAM fuck! ahhhhh but it feels good saying that.

. He hates when his parents tell him 'You go to sleep too late', 'Tomorrow get up early and finish. " Well, think dads? only one play to do homework, or does the task can be completed in 2 hours?

. Looking for home remedies to remove those dark circles.

. Discover the best way to pass information is to agree with his colleagues in the messenger.

. Know the pride you feel wearing a shirt that says UNAM.
the mood for:
· Shouting
· & # 160; Mourn
· ; Laugh
· Skip
· Roll

'AND DOES' when seen in the lists : your ticket number !!!... and know that it has entered THE BEST SCHOOL AROUND THE SITE AND ALL LATIN AMERICA !!!!!! = University Nacional Autonoma de Mexico XD unconditionally agree:
. Let sleeping
. ; Stop eating
. Leave your social life
. ; Let your bf / gf
. Let your parents
. high school friends, classmates and parties etc ... so to be somebody in life.

Note: If you are from the UNAM, forwards them to your friends ... and if not, well, not be burned (a).

Honda Civic 2 Door Front License Plate

self-help books

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Brazilian Wax Staph Infection /

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Celiacs And Cloudy Urine

androids Good Business ... Dr

Monday, September 7, 2009

Long Cloudy Strands In Stool

MONO and the end of the world

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Walk Through Walls Cheat For Soul Silver

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Lump On Throat Pea Size

TV and consumerism in vdd there is nothing in life make it q? .. jajaja

good ... a little late but there it is ^ ^ '