Wednesday, August 13, 2008

How Long Does It Take To Heal After Gingivectomy

Complies Iberoamerican Youth Space to encourage participation and youth associations

On 8 August, settle in the city of La Antigua, Guatemala , Ibero-American Youth Space. This organization brings together National Youth Councils, Youth Platforms national and international bodies active in the Latin American area working for the vindication of values \u200b\u200bthe rule of law, democracy, peace, rights human dignity and diversity cultural and ethnic diversity.

The aim of the Ibero-American Youth Space is to carry out actions related to promoting participation, promotion of youth associations, enforcement of human rights, social inclusion and recognition of minorities as well as influence the development of public policies directed at youth.

As part of this gathering were surveyed over 2000 young people to identify their needs Iberomérica and vision for the actions of governments on youth. Through this tool we identified that 60% of young people believed that to ensure their rights is key youth networking and access to information. Also identified that 70% believes that Latin American governments should always work together for the improvement of youth, launching initiatives and programs for youth, as economic, social cultural and are not guaranteed.

Consequently, under the "XVIII Ibero-American Summit Heads of State and Government ", and l Iberoamerican Youth Space present an analysis and a proposal in response to complaints of youth seeking to improve living conditions and strengthening participation in the development social, economic, cultural and political.

Download the document by clicking here or on the title

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